Where should you conduct your visit?
In the household address.
How often should you see a child in care?
Every month.
How long do you have to see a child when they first come into care?
24 Hours
What is the form that you collect from the parent's regarding medical information in the first 30 days?
In the hierarchy of placement who are the top two people you need to consider for placement for a new custody?
1. Non Offending Parent
2. Grandparents
Where do you document a worker parent visit?
Contact List, Click parent, Document in the communication log under the parent's contact information.
How many points of contact do you need to make for a child in an ILA?
2 points of contact. In person and phone contact.
When should you hold the first FST?
Within 72 hours of the case opening.
What is the form you collect from your foster parents on a monthly basis?
How far out are court reports due to supervisor?
10 business days
What do you mail to the parent monthly?
A parental obligation letter.
When should you schedule your worker child visit?
At your visit.
What do you do with the 30 Day HCY?
Upload to OnBase AND document it in the medical screen in FACES
How often should a child in care see the dentist each year?
Twice (every six months).
What are the four documents that you need to provide for a CAN Assessment?
1.) HIPPA Form
2.) The Description of the Family Assessment
3.) Grievance Form
4.) Know Your Rights Brochure
When you visit your parent, should you see the other children not in custody?
Yes, policy is to see all the children living in the home whether they are in custody or not.
In which 2 weeks of the month should you have the majority of your worker child visits completed?
The first 2 weeks of the month.
What is the most important thing to discuss at the 72 hour FST?
ASFA Timeline, ICWA, Permanency Plan, and Visitation Plan, and diligent search for relatives
How many psychotropic medications trigger a need to get a center for excellence referral?
3 psychotropic medications
What does the CS1 stand for?
Child Service Agreement
How many times do you meet with a parent in the first 30 days of a new custody?
4 times. Parents should be seen weekly.
What is the main thing you are assessing at a worker child visit?
What forms do you bring to an initial placement? (Relative Provider) HINT: 8 forms
CD264, CD265, Education Enrollment Form, Fingerprint letter, Placement Letter, IM29(medicaid), CS-45, daycare enrollment form (if applicable).
When does the CD264 need to be provided?
Upon every placement change.
What is the timeframe for contacting grandparents on a new custody?
3 hours