If I were Principal for a day...
Future Careers
Community Service
What is a leader?

How would you reward students for good behavior and educational progress? Why

Points for positive reward and justification. 


List 3 careers that are considered "trades". 

Examples include plumber, electrician, HVAC, welder, truck driver, mechanic, etc...


True or False. I work for a service organization or non-profit so therefore I cannot be paid for my work. 

False. Non-profit and service organization do have paid employees. 


What is the best thing about living in Lockney? (if you say "nothing" I will deduct points!)

Points for a POSITIVE answer!


How would you define leadership?

Leadership is the ability of an individual or group to guide others towards a common goal. 


How would you discipline negative behavior or educational progress? Why? (**Remember, Principles have rules they must follow as well!)

Points for a method of discipline that would be allowed and appropriate justification. 


List in order the types of degrees you can receive in post-secondary education. 





Associates (2 year)

Bachelors (4 years)

Masters (5-7)

Doctorate (7-10)


I really like animals. What is a community service project or organization I could be involved in?

Volunteer at an animal shelter, foster a dog, offer to watch my neighbors pet when they go out of town, offer free pet grooming services, etc. 


What is the biggest issue our school or community faces? Why?

Points for honest, but thoughtful response and justification. 


How would you define confidence?

The feeling or believe that you can rely on someone or trust someone. 


What rule would you add that would improve the school for students and staff? Why?

Points for a good, thoughtful response.


List 3 jobs that are considered "governmental occupations". 

Examples include postal worker, city worker, elected politician, police officer, fireman, teacher, judge, etc. 


I am interested in working outside and I want to serve my community. What can I do for a service project?

Start a community garden, offer to mow lawns for elderly community members free of charge, plant flowers around a community park, clean up a community area. 


If you don't like something in our school, what are 2 things you could do to try to change it?

Speak to your administrator or superintendent, create a petition, present at the school board, develop a plan to improve it, serve on a student leadership council to encourage change. 

What does respect look like? Give 3 examples.

Giving eye contact when someone is speaking, using a proper handshake when greeting someone, saying ma'am, sir, please, thank you, etc., manners, not arguing with an adult or authority figure, using proper tones of voice when speaking, understanding appropriate behaviors in various settings, etc. 


What rule would you abolish immediately? Why and what is one consequence that could result for the students and/or staff from removing this rule? 

Points for a thoughtful response and justification.  


I plan to remain in Lockney after graduation or return to Lockney after attending college. What are 4 occupations I could explore.

Examples include bank teller, farmer, rancher, mechanic, City of Lockney employee, nurse, doctor, pharmacist, hospital lab technician, truck driver, veterinarian, agriculture consultant, wind farm technician/engineer, crane operator, welder, construction, chef, etc.  


I enjoy working with children. What are 2 ways I can serve my community?

Volunteer at my church bible school, offer to read to my neighbor's children, offer to babysit for free, volunteer at a local community event for children like the Easter egg hunt or movie night, etc. 


What are 2 activities or ideas that could be implemented to improve school spirit? 

Points for two positive ideas. 


What is the difference between being a "leader" and being a "boss"?

Points for good conversation and thoughts. 


What is one thing you would do immediately to increase the SAFETY of the students and staff? How would this improve school safety?

Points for thoughtful idea and justification. 


What is one business Lockney could really benefit from having and why? What is a person called when they start their own business?

Entrepreneur or self-employed. Points for a good idea. 


I have 10 hours of community service I need to complete for school. I must do at least 5 different activities. What can I do to complete these hours?

Points for a list of 5 community service activities. 


How would you define Lockney in 3 words? Would these words make people want to stay here or move here? How does the way we talk about our community to ourselves and others impact our feelings about it?

Points for positive discussion. 

What are 2 things a leader would do if they get in trouble or make a bad choice?

Apologize, take responsibility, take actions to make amends, learn from their mistake, etc.