"WOW! You look..."
In Class
At Lunch
Party Time!
What Else Can I Say?

Mr.Ty just got a new haircut 

"Her hair looks terrible!"

THINK IT.  Keep this thought to yourself.  If you say it out loud, it may hurt Mr.Ty's feelings.


"I am SO bored!"

THINK IT!  Ask your teacher for a quick break if you need it, then refocus. 


"Can I sit with you?"

SAY IT! Be brave and try to meet new friends. 


When opening a birthday present:

"Wow I love these but I have another one just like it!"

THINK IT!  It may make someone feel sad when they were excited to give you a present.  Discuss the situation with your family. You may be able to ask for a receipt later. 


In the middle of a conversation:

"I am falling asleep right now!"

THINK IT. You can try saying, "I am very tired. I might need a break to help energize."


Ms. Rachel got a new pair of glasses.

"You look weird with your glasses on!"

THINK IT!  Try to point out something positive about them if you are asked directly.


"I don't understand this question.  I need help."

SAY IT!  It is always important to ask for help.


"Wow your lunch looks good. Can I have some?"

THINK IT!  It is usually not polite to ask for others food, unless you are talking to a close friend or forgot your lunch.


"I don't want that person at my party."

THINK IT. Explain to an adult why you may not want that person at your party, but never say that to someone.


You are with a friend. "Will you play this game with me?"

SAY IT! It's good to ask for what we want. It's also important to remember to play their games and take turns. 


Mason just came back from the dentist.

"Mason, you have a dazzling smile!"

SAY IT!  Compliments make people feel happy and it is a kind thing to do. 


"This is way too hard for me!"

SAY IT!  Let your teacher know what you are having problems with.  


"This food is so gross!  I am so sick of it!"

THINK IT!  It is not polite to say this out loud.  It might hurt someone's feelings. 


"I have been wanting this! Thank you so much!"

SAY IT! This will make someone feel appreciated.


You are in class and someone sits down next to you. "You can't sit here!"

THINK IT! If you are saving the seat, you can try: "I am waiting for someone. You may sit in this other seat next to me."


Andy is wearing a new shirt

"Wow Andy that shirt looks great!"

Say it! Compliments make us feel good!


"I never win at this game!"  

THINK IT!  People may think you are being a poor sport.  Congratulate them and suggest a different game next time. 


"I am allergic to eggs.  Does this have eggs in it?"

SAY IT! Allergies can be a serious health issue.  You must make people aware of what food you cannot have and make sure you don't eat anything you are allergic to!


"This party is soooooooooo lame!!!"

THINK IT!  Other people may be having a good time, you dont want to bring them down!

You are not feeling well. "I feel like I might be sick."

SAY IT! It's always important to advocate for your needs.


You close friend asks, "Does this color look good on me?"  

You say, "Let's try a different color that might match your eyes."

SAY IT!  You can give your friend advice if they ask for it without being rude and hurtful. 


"I can't believe you don't know the answer!"

THINK IT. We always want to be respectful. 


"Pizza again?  I just had this for lunch!"

THINK IT. You may ask for something different and say it in a kind way.  Others may not know what you had for lunch. Always be kind. 


"This gift is TERRIBLE! Why would you think I would like this?!"

THINK IT! This may hurt the feelings of the person who gave you the gift!


"What you said hurt my feelings."

SAY IT! It is important to communicate in a kind way to your friends.  They cannot read your thoughts.