"You look really nice today."
Say it
I’m hot and I live in the sky. I’m bright; don’t look directly at me. I will disappear at night. What am I?
The sun
In class, you were given some free time and decided to play Uno with a group of students. One of the students gets rid of all their cards before everyone else and yells, "UNO!" You yell and throw your cards on the ground.
Give an example of an appropriate greeting.
"Hi, how are you?"
"Hi, nice to see you."
Would you rather live in a house made out of chocolate or gummy bears?
I would rather live in a house made out of_____ because _______.
"Why do you look like that?"
Think it
I am a tasty treat you can lick with your tongue. I come in a bowl or a cone. One of my common flavours is vanilla. What am I?
Ice Cream
While are school, you made a nice card for your mom for her birthday. You worked so hard on it! While putting it in your backpack you accidentally ripped it. You say, "Aw man. That's a bummer." You get some tape to piece it back together.
Give an example of a way to end a conversation.
"Nice talking with you. I have to go."
"It was great to see you. See you soon."
Would you rather have a pet penguin or have a pet kangaroo?
I would rather have a _____ because _______.
"You've got a funny neck."
Think it.
I’m usually green and brown. With rain, I can live for a long time. I’m a house for a bird and kids love to climb me. What am I?
You were standing in the lunch line waiting to get your food. Someone comes and cuts in front of you. You say, "Excuse me, the line is back there." They apologize and walk to the back of the line.
Give an example of how you introduce yourself to a new person.
"Hi, my name is _____. What is your name?"
"It's nice to meet you. My name is____."
Would you rather know how to speak all languages or speak to animals?
I would rather speak ________ because _________.
"Excuse me, I think you're on my jacket."
Say it
I’m red, blood pumps through me, and I live in your body. I’m the symbol for love, please don’t break me. What am I?
A classmate is showing off a piece of art he made in ceramics class. Another peer starts laughing at him and says, "that piece looks sooooo ugly!"
Give an example of a way to change the conversation topic.
"Did you hear about ___?"
"That reminds me of____"
"By the way,_______."
Would you rather be a cheetah or an alligator?
I would rather be a _____ because _______.
You are sitting with your friends at lunch. Your friend pulls out her lunch from her backpack. She opens it up and you don't like how it looks or smells. You say to her, "Eww that looks disgusting. Are you going to really eat that?"
Think it
I come in many different colors and I get bigger when I’m full of air. I will float away if you don’t tie me down and I will make a loud sound if I break. What am I?
You just started your break on the computer, but the teacher said, "Times up! We are going to move on to our lesson." You slam your computer closed and begin to whine.
Give an example of a way to politely interrupt a conversation.
"Excuse me"
"Sorry to interrupt but______"
Would you rather celebrate Christmas or Halloween all year long?
I would rather celebrate ____ because_____.