What is the most important cell type in the brain?
a neuron
What part of the neuron looks like tree branches and receives messages from other neurons?
What is the area between the synaptic of one neuron and the dendrite of another.
the synaptic cleft
What are the 2 main divisions of the Nervous System?
the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System
Which 1 of the 5 senses are not processed by the Somatic Nervous System?
The spinal ___ is responsible for sending signals to the body from the brain and sending signals from the body to the brain
What long branch acts as a “transmitter” in the neuron?
What is the small signaling chemicals released into the synapse called?
What is the part of the Nervous System that is responsible for controlling the “fight-or-flight” response?
the Sympathetic Nervous System
What is the brain’s ability to change itself called?
The ____ (part of the brain) helps with controlling movement
What part acts as the control center of the neuron?
the cell body
What happens to neurotransmitters after they deliver the message across the synapse?
they get reabsorbed or broken down
Which part of the Nervous System is responsible for controlling the “rest and digest” response?
The Parasympathetic Nervous System
How much does the average human brain weigh? (in pounds)
3 pounds
What part of the brain helps you remember things, like your favorite cartoon?
the hippocampus
What part acts as the insulating layer that surrounds and protects nerve fibers (axons)?
the myelin sheath
The neuron sending the signal is called the __synaptic neuron and the neuron receiving it is called the __synaptic neuron
pre, pro
Which part of the nervous system is a subdivision of the peripheral nervous system that controls the five senses and movement?
100 trillion
What is the brain's largest region that deals with most complicated tasks such as memory and problem-solving?
the cerebrum?
What part is the small gaps in the myelin sheath.
the nodes of Ranvier?
Why are synapses important?
Synapses are where signals are sent between neurons.
The Central Nervous System contains the ______ and ______ _____.
Brain and Spinal Cord
What is the most common neurotransmitter in the brain?