Guess who
Fill in the blanks
What will you do IRL?

I help you stay calm so you can think right and make good choices

Meditation Matt


Focus Tron helps you pay ________ and focus on the task at hand



You and you're family are having dinner. Your sister is sharing about her challenges in online classes while you're watching videos on your phone.

What Thinkable will help you? What should you do?

Focus Tron

Stop using the phone and pay attention to what your sister is sharing. Help her by giving advice.



Give a situation on how you will apply this thinkable to develop or maintain friendships and relationships


I help you adjust to situations, learn from mistakes, and accept changes in routine

Rex Flexinator


Nice Brice helps you be a _________ kid

thinking of you

You have a new classmate. He's having a hard time adjusting with online school and making friends.

What Thinkable will help you? What should you do?

Social Lee Wonderer, Nice Brice

I will ask questions and make conversations with him. 


Space Respecter

Give a situation on how you will apply this thinkable to develop or maintain friendships and relationships


I help you become curious about other people and encourage you to ask questions

Social Lee Wonderer


IOF helps you follow (1)_______ and be a (2)_________

1. game rules

2. good sport


You're having a bad day because lessons are hard. You're chatting with your best friend and she can't help you yet because she had a big fight with her mom. 

What Thinkable will help you? What should you do?

Meditation Matt, Nice Brice, Sunny Sun

I will listen to my friend and give advice. We can distract each other first by relaxing and listening to music.


Stick Withem

Give a situation on how you will apply this thinkable to develop or maintain friendships and relationships


I help you see the good side of things and to change your mood

Sunny Sun


Stick Withem reminds you of the P____ A_____ L______





Your friend became interested in Kpop. You don't know much about it. Your friend is sharing new songs and updates regarding the group.

What Thinkable will help you? What should you do?

Topic tracker, Social Lee Wonderer, Nice Brice, Focus Tron, Rex Flexinator

I will listen to him and make conversations even if I'm not that interested. I will make an effort to ask questions. I will also share about my new favorite song.


Topic Tracker

Give a situation on how you will apply this thinkable to develop or maintain friendships and relationships