Reasoning Rationally
Psychometric Approach
Cognitive Approach
The drawing of conclusions or inferences from observations, facts, or assumptions.
What is reasoning?
The tendency to consult one’s emotions instead of estimating probabilities objectively.
What is affect heuristic?
An inferred characteristic of an individual, usually defined as the ability to profit from experience, acquire knowledge, think abstractly, act purposefully, or adapt to changes in the environment.
What is intelligence?
A complex type of memory that permits the manipulation of information retrieved from long-term memory and makes it available for working on a given task.
What is working memory?
A statistical estimate of the proportion of the total variance in some trait that is attributable to genetic differences among individuals within a group.
What is heritability?
A process in which opposing facts or ideas are weighed and compared, with a view to determining the best solution or resolving differences.
What is dialectical reasoning?
The tendency to judge the probability of a type of event by how easy it is to think of examples or instances.
What is availability heuristic?
A statistical method for analyzing the intercorrelations among various measures or test scores.
What is factor analysis?
The knowledge or awareness of one’s own cognitive processes and the ability to monitor and control those processes.
What is metacognition?
In the hypothetical experiment described in the text, even if the differences among plants within each pot resulted entirely from genetics, the average differences between pots could be environmental. The same general principle applies to individual and group differences among human beings.
What is the tomato plant experiment?
Could also be called critical thinking.
What is reflective judgment?
The tendency for people’s choices to be affected by how a choice is presented or framed, such as whether it is worded in terms of potential losses or gains.
What is framing effect?
A general intellectual ability assumed by many theorists to underlie specific mental abilities and talents.
What is g factor?
A theory of intelligence that emphasizesanalytic, creative, and practical abilities.
What is triarchic theory of intelligence?
These differences in cultural values that can have an impact on studying and test scores.
What are beliefs, standards, and values?
People who tend to assume that a correct answer always exists and that it can be obtained directly through the senses.
What is prereflective thinking?
The bias, in some circumstances, to value cooperation and fair play over rational self-interest.
What is fairness bias?
Cognitive skills and specific knowledge acquired over a lifetime; it is heavily dependent on education and tends to remain stable.
What is crystallized intelligence?
Strategies for success that are not explicitly taught but that instead must be inferred.
What is tacit knowledge?
These five environmental factors are associated with reduced mental ability.
What are poor prenatal care, malnutrition, exposure to toxins, stressful family experiences, living in impoverished neighborhoods?
People who are recognize that some things cannot be known with absolute certainty and that judgments should be supported by reasons, yet they pay attention only to evidence that fits what they already believe.
What is quasi-reflective thinkers?
The tendency to overestimate one’s ability to have predicted an event once the outcome is known; the “I knew it all along” phenomenon.
What is hindsight bias?
The capacity to reason and use information to solve problems; it is relatively independent of education and tends to decline in old age.
What is fluid intelligence?
The ability to identify your own and other people’s emotions accurately, express your emotions clearly and appropriately, and regulate emotions in yourself and others.
What is emotional intelligence?
This accounted for more than twice as much of the variance in the students’ final grades and achievement test scores as IQ did.
What is self-discipline?