I make it look like I am hurt so that I can get others to give me love and support so I won’t have to be responsible for what I have done.
What is Poor Me?
I use secrets to control others, that way I make myself feel powerful and continue be deviant. Sometimes I create secret relationships with people I plan to manipulate or abuse. I also like to use secrets in treatment so that people cannot figure me out.
What is Secretiveness?
I can put on a mask and say the right things even though that is not how I feel on the inside.
What is Mr. Goodguy?
I am impulsive. I do not wait for the proper time to do things. I cannot delay my desires
What is Can't Wait?
I believe I am such a slick, deviant person that no one will catch me, or be wise to my deviant tricks and plans. I am aware that if I do wrong and get caught I will be punished but I think I won’t get caught, or if I do get caught, I will be able to talk my way out of it.
What is Super-Optimism?
I know the right way to do things but I prefer to do things “my way,” so I will manipulate and control others if I have to because every situation as a win or lose and I will make sure I win!
What is Power Play?
I do not need to worry about others, I do what I want to do, when I want to do it – regardless of who I disappoint or hurt.
What is Selfish?
I will look like I don’t understand even though I do in order to avoid responsibility.
What is Confusion?
I try to make my wrong behaviors seem small and not important. Sometimes I compare my wrong behavior to “worse” behavior, so I don’t appear to be so bad.
What is Minimizing?
I act as if I have total control over others; other people are just a possession.. I ignore the fact that the person has feelings and needs. I abuse power in the relationship.
What is Ownership?
I am not open-minded, in fact I work hard to make sure I don’t reveal my true thoughts and feelings; it is also very hard for me to accept feedback from others.
What is Closed-Channel?
If I do not want to answer questions I answer a different question or change the subject altogether.
What is Hop Over?
I act like I am not able to do what I am asked so I won’t be held accountable
What is Helpless?
I don’t bother to ask other people what they think or what is important, I assume I know their thoughts, motives and intentions.
What is Mind Reading?
I like to exaggerate the mistakes and weaknesses of others in order to put them down so I can feel superior. If I do this in public, I am trying to raise my status while tearing others down.
What is Making Fool Of?
“The world owes me and I am better than others.”
What is Entitlement?
I see myself as the one who was hurt and try to convince others that I am more affected then others who have been impacted by my actions.
What is Victim Stance?
I try hard to make excuses or explain my inappropriate behavior to not seem so bad.
What is Justifying?
I feel like I am a nothing. I think other people see me as worthless too. Sometimes I do bad things to prove to others that I am not worthless.
What is Zero State?
I use complicated arguments and big words to confuse and distract others from what is really relevant. I skillfully focus on rules or morals and I hide behind them so that others cannot force me to be responsible.
What is Perry Mason?
I like to attack people who I believe are weak. I also keep track of the times another person confronts me or argues with me and I will try to hurt them so I can even the score.
What is Keeping Score?
I do things just to get others to praise me.
What is Pet Me?
I blame others for my actions.
What is Blaming?
I use tantrums, outrage and aggression to express how I feel and use these explosive behaviors in many situations or most of the time. Sometimes I get upset, or pretend I am angry, so I can justify hurting someone.
What is Anger?
I feel I am different than others, even when my behaviors may be the same, I have ways of proving that I am different and because I am different, rules and consequences don’t apply to me.
What is Uniqueness?