Definitions 1
Definitions 2
Name the Distortion
Wild Card

This is when we see things in black and white categories. There is no grey area.

What is All-or-Nothing Thinking?


Using negative labels for ourselves and/or other people. 

What is Labeling?


She broke up with me last night. Now I'll never meet anyone.

What is All-or-Nothing Thinking? OR

What is Fortune Telling? OR

What is Catastrophizing


I will never be happy.

"I may be unhappy now but that will pass." 

"I have been happy before and I will be happy again."


What is a thinking error?  

A thought that is not true, based off of faulty logic


Believing inflexible rules about how you and others should act.

What is Should-ing?


Only paying close attention to certain types of evidence and ignoring important facts.

What is Mental Filtering?


She did not say anything about my new haircut. She must think it is ugly!

What is Mind Reading?


I got an F on my math test. I always fail at math. 

"I failed this test and I can do better."


How does someone catch a thinking error?

pay attention to thoughts, check in with self and compare with evidence, see if the thought matches up with a thinking error category


Assuming the worst will happen.

What is Catastrophizing?


Predicting the outcome of an event or the future

What is Fortune Telling?


Hunter is struggling with his school work. He thinks, "I should know this by now...."

What is Shoulding?


He didn't say "Hi" to me this morning so he must be mad at me for something I did.

"There are many reasons why he did not say Hi to me. It's probably not personal." 

"I will check in with him later and make sure everything is ok"


Give an example of a thinking error you had today and how you could reframe it



When we conclude that someone is acting or thinking negatively towards us without checking it out or seeking other evidence.

What is Mind Reading?


This is when we disregard important feelings and experiences. 

What is Minimization?


I know she complimented me on my new outfit but she was just being nice.

What is Disqualifying the Positive?

What is Minimization?


I know I am going to have a panic attack when I go the party tomorrow so I should just cancel my plans now.

I can practice my coping skills if I start to feel anxious and I can leave the party if I start to panic. But I should at least give it a try.

I have been to these types of parties before and I have never had a panic attack. I will probably be fine.


Name the thinking error you struggle with the most and how you are going to work on improving it



Assuming that because you feel a certain way that it must be true. 

What is Emotional Reasoning?


This is an extreme example of turning positive events into negative ones.

What is Disqualifying the Positive?


I am a failure.

What is Labeling


I have had a headache for two days. I must have a brain tumor.

Headaches are common and happen occasionally. There is no need to worry. 

I am under a lot of stress and my body is probably telling me I need to take it easy.


Without looking, name 5 different thinking errors?

Examples: Catastrophizing, All-or-Nothing, Minimizing, Personalization, Overgeneralization, Labeling, etc...