A tendency to believe that you are better at something than you really are along with the inability to recognize your shortcomings is known as...
What is the Dunning Kruger Effect?
Created a test to measure general intelligence?
Alfred Binet
The primary drivers of intelligence are genetics and
early life parental involvement
Very intelligent people often lack the ability to socialize or overcome small setbacks due to
low emotional intelligence
A person's experience or viewpoint is often shaped by their previous experiences and upbringing, also known as
Thinking you are the best at something or the worst is an example of...
all or nothing thinking
The tendency to increase your liking for something that you have worked hard for or suffered to attain....
What is justification of effort???
This test is often labeled as socio-economically biased due to the use of prep classes and tutors?
what is the SAT/ACT
what is explicit learning
This type of person has an extraordinary ability in a singular area such as math or music and is often connected to Autism or Aspergers?
what is savant
According to psychologists, what factor is the best indicator of future success in life?
Grit or perseverance
Name two examples of historically misusing IQ test results.
Sterilization of low IQ's and tracking in school