Reading the Room
Problem Solving

What do we do when we first walk in?

-Say hello

-Sit down

-Ask what the plan is


What do I do if I want to talk to someone and they are already talking to someone else?

-You need to wait.

-You can carefully try to get their attention.


What if my water bottle is empty?

I can ask to refill it


What should I do when I come into a new room?



-Say hi


What if I don't want to sit or be around a certain person?

-I can ask to move if I am in class

-I might have to suck it up and endure it

-I can move if it is before or after work or at lunch


What if the other person is late?

-Ask Izzy if it is time to start

-Wait in the waiting room if she says no

-Go into the room if she says yes


How do I get someone's attention if I want to talk?

-You can wait close by

-You can make hand gestures

-You can apologize for interrupting (if it's important)


What if I hurt myself?

-I can shake it off

-I can tell a teacher

-I can ask the teacher for a bandaid or to see a nurse


What should I do when I leave the room?

-Wave bye

-Say bye



What if I don't want to go to school today?

-Ask myself why I don't want to go

-Talk to mom about why you are feeling this way

-I still need to make the effort to go unless it's an emergency or if I am sick


what do you do if you are running late?

-Wait to see if Izzy is waiting for you

-Knock on the door of our usual room

-If we are not in there, knock on the other doors


Can I walk up to someone and not say anyting?

No, that's weird


What if I am having a hard time with an activity or project?

-I can tell my teacher

-I can ask for help from my group member

-I can try to take some deep breaths and solve the problem


What if I walk into the room and I don't know where to sit?

I need to look for an open seat


What if I am in a fight with someone at school

-I need to tell a teacher if it is getting too intense

-I can try to solve the problem by understanding why the other person is upset

-I can think about if I did something to make them upset

-I can decide to walk away if it is a fight that is not super important


What do you do if there is a disagreement in group?

-come up with a way to find a compromise

-Ask Izzy for help if you can't solve it yourselves

-Tell the other person if they are hurting your feelings

-Ask yourself how important it is to do things your way


Should I ask/tell my teacher something over and over?

No, that's weird. One time only


What if I need a break

-I can tell my teacher

-I can go to a different space to take some deep breaths and cool down


What if I walk into a room and someone is sitting in my chair?

I need to find another chair


What if there are too many people by the door?

-I can wait

-I can say excuse me


What do you do if the other person is having a hard time?

-check to see if they want you to help or give them space

-If they want help, offer some solutions

-Tell them you are here to help and understand why they are upset


What should I remember about body space when I approach someone for a conversation?

-I should keep a bubble

-Ask myself if I am standing too close

-Remember to have my mask on


What if I spilled my food/drink?

-I need to tell my teacher

-I need to clean it up


How should I behave if I walk into the room and everyone is quiet or working?

I should walk in quietly


What if I'm just not in the mood?

-I can ask for a break

-I can tell my teacher/job coach that something is bothering me