Map Key
Freeze Frame
Construction Zone
There's a Map for That
Can You Relate?
"Categorize" is a key word for this map.
What is a classifying map?
The "So what?" and "So why?" on any map can be represented with this color.
What is red?
The words in the circles surrounding the center circle on a describing map must be this part of speech.
What are adjectives?
If you want to show the steps needed to solve a math problem, you could use this map.
What is a sequencing map?
Look at the Seeing Analogies Map with these words: red, gray, apples, elephants. The relating factor for this analogy could be this.
What is "is the color of"?
"Consequences" is a key word for this map.
What is a cause and effect map?
Specific titles and page numbers of sources can be written in this color.
What is green?
This map must have a title.
What is a sequencing map?
If you want to group your spelling words by their vowel sounds, you could use this map.
What is a classifying map?
Look at the Seeing Analogies Map with these words: Wilbur, the wolf, Charlotte's Web, Little Red Riding Hood. The relating factor for this analogy could be this.
What is "is a character in"?
"Brainstorm" is a key word for this map.
What is a defining in context map?
If the information on your map represents the point of view of a certain character in a book, you can note that in the frame in this color.
What is blue?
True or false: Only nouns may be used on a defining in context map.
What is false?
If you want to differentiate between a loggerhead sea turtle and a gopher tortoise, you could use this map.
What is a compare and contrast map?
Look at the Seeing Analogies Map with these words: Tallahassee, Harrisburg, Florida, Pennsylvania. The relating factor for this analogy could be this.
What is "is the capital of"?
"Differentiate" is a key word for this map.
What is a compare and contrast map?
Your background knowledge can be added to any map in this color.
What is green?
A sequencing map can be made in a circle rather than rows only if it shows this.
What is a cycle?
If you want to show all of the body parts of a spider, you would use this map.
What is a whole / part map?
Look at the Seeing Analogies Map with these words: pumice, sandstone, igneous rock, sedimentary rock. The relating factor for this analogy could be this.
What is "is a type of"?
"Physical components" is a Key word phrase for this map.
What is a whole to part map?
Any cultural beliefs influencing your thinking can be represented in this color.
What is blue?
All arrows on a cause and effect map must point this way.
What is to the right?
If you want to show the impact of Goldilocks entering the home of the three bears, you could use this map.
What is a cause and effect map?
Look at the Seeing Analogies Map with these numbers and words: 5 + 3, 2 hundreds, 6 + 1, 7 tens. The relating factor for this analogy could be this.
What is "is greater than"?