Name the property
6 + 0 = 6
Identity Property of Addition
What is 1 more than 75?
What is another term for doing math in your head?
mental math
Estimate by rounding to the nearest 10.
75 + 12
80 + 10 = 90
92 + 64
Name the property
8 + 7 = 7 + 8
Commutative Property of Addition
2,343; 3,343; 4,343; 5,343......
What is the pattern?
Adding (or plus/increase by) 1,000
What are the symbols that are used to group numbers in a number sentence?
Round to the greatest place.
634 + 788
600 + 800 = 1,400
387 + 251
Name the property
(7 + 6) + 5 = (6 + 5) + 7
Associative Property of Addition
495, 505, 515, ___, ___, 545
Name the missing numbers.
What is the pattern?
525, 535
Adding (or plus/increase by) 10
What is a number close to its actual value?
an estimate
Estimate by rounding to the nearest hundred.
305 + 853
300 + 900 = 1,200
834 + 486
Which property states that you can change the order of the addends and still get the same sum?
Commutative Property of Addition
10 more than 723
100 more than 723
1,000 more than 723
733; 823; 1,723
What is the term of the missing number or what you are solving for in a problem?
the unknown
Estimate by rounding to the nearest ten.
578 + 409
580 + 410 = 990
6,345 + 2,946
Which property states that the grouping of the addends does not change the sum?
Associative Property of Addition
1,000 more than 9,876
100 more than 9,876
10 more than 9,876
1 more than 9,876
10,876; 9,976; 9,886; 9,877
What is it called when you use place value to exchange equal amounts when renaming a number?
regrouping (to regroup)
Estimate by rounding to the nearest ten.
2,356 + 4,810
2,360 + 4,810 = 7,170
7,895 + 3,647