This text tells us that going to the beach and having fun in the ocean is what everyone should do every summer. That is the main idea. True or False.
True or False.
The main idea of the text is to inform us that children can make a difference in the community and make it a better place by helping.
Where did the story take place?
This text was all about how to buy a premade sandbox. True or False.
What are the two sounds oo makes?
oo like in school and oo in books
What type of water is in the ocean?
What are some ways the children helped the community in the text?
Picked up trash. Donated. baked loaves of bread for the soup kitchen.
What caused the storm?
wind from the north and moist weather from the east
What is one way to prepare the area before building a sandbox?
remove any rocks or branches
What are the two sounds of ea?
long e and short e
What are some animals that live in the ocean and are mentioned in the text?
seals, sharks, jelly fish
When might it be a good idea to ask an adult for help when helping in the community?
Driving somewhere, helping with buying items, coordinating an event.
What does the word exaggerate mean?
to make a bigger deal than what it is
What should you use to decide the size of the sandbox?
a tape measure
/ow/ like in ground
What is the important thing that grows in the ocean that lives near the surface of the water and helps provide food and oxygen?
If you can share an idea of how to make a positive impact on the Steamboat community, you get double points.
answers can vary
What did they have to do before the snow really started falling?
Get the cows in the barn and secure them there.
What will be the last thing you need to get for the sandbox?
a few bags of sand.
When does y say long e sound, and when does y say long i sound?
long e at the end of longer words
long i at the end of short words
It is a home for animals.
It creates oxygen.
What is a need you see in our community that people can help?
answers will vary
What was the problem the old farmer had? What tool did they use to solve the problem?
The latch on the barn door was frozen. They used a screwdriver to help get the latch open.
What does the word assemble mean, and how is it used in the text?
assemble, bring things together/put together. They use the word assemble to describe how to put the sandbox together by hammering the corners of the board together.
What does the prefix pre mean?