Morning Routine
Lining Up/Restroom
Classroom Library
Homework/Tests and Quizzes
End of the Day

Where do you complete your morning writing?

In the morning writing notebook


When can you line up for recess, lunch, or assemblies?

a. when you finish putting away your things

b. when Mrs. Vela calls your table

c. whenever you feel like it

b. when Mrs. Vela calls your table


The books in the blue book bins belong to who?

They belong to Mrs. Vela


How often do you have homework?

Every day


True or False: You are allowed to go back into the classroom after dismissal.

False: We check for our things 3 times therefore we are not allowed to go back into the classroom


When you line up in the morning for announcements, where should you put your backpack?

On the floor next to you.

How many emergency restroom passes do we get a week?

3 emergency passes

Who is in charge of signing in or signing out the books?

The classroom librarian


What are the 2 homework assignments you already know you will have?

Daily reading log and weekly spelling and vocabulary homework


If you finish packing up and are waiting to be told to line up, what should you do?

Pick up trash around the classroom


True or false: We only have to participate in morning announcements when it's our turn to stand in the front.

False: We should always participate in the morning announcements.


Do you get in line for school breakfast/lunch inside of the classroom or outside of the classroom?

Outside of the classroom


When can you sign in or sign out a book from the library?

During morning work or during pack up time.


When are our weekly Spelling Tests?

On Monday


What should you do first when it is time for clean up/dismissal?

a. get your backpack

b. pick up trash

c. copy down your homework

c. copy down your homework


When you enter the classroom, should you put your backpack on the hook before or after you take everything out?

After you take everything out


Who are the two people that can tell you when it's time to get in line to buy from Coach?

Mrs. Vela and Ms. Busch


Where do you put the books you are signing back in to the library? Who puts the books back?

The library bin and Mrs. Vela puts the books back


How many days in advance will you know about a test?

At least 3 days in advance


Describe the dismissal procedure.

We sit at our dismissal tables, Mrs. Vela or another teacher calls our name, we only leave when our name is called


What are the 3 things Mrs. Vela will check during morning work?

Behavior Chart

Reading Log



Describe the 3 things that make a straight line.

1. Facing forward

2. Silent

3. You have to be directly behind the person in front of you


What will make Mrs. Vela so sad about the library?

Mixing up the books in the bins

True or False: you only have to get your tests and quizzes signed if Mrs. Vela tells you.

False: You always have to get your tests and quizzes signed.


What are the 2 things Mrs. Vela needs to do after finish copying down your homework?

Stamp your agenda and sign your behavior chart