Language Arts
Social Studies
What is the strategy called when you get rid of an answer choice you know is not correct?
What is process of elimination?
Grayson has three different types of books on his shelf. He has 9 informational texts. He as twice as many fantasy as informational texts. He has three times as many poetry books as fantasy. How many books does he have in all?
What are 81 books?
A dishwasher is an example of something that makes a family's life easier and is an example of
What is technology?
These words are adjectives in the sentence below. Sam ate the watery soup with salty crackers.
What is watery and salty?
Growing a garden, planting apple trees, and discovering gold in a mine are examples of this type of resource.
What is natural?
Name the strategy for making mental pictures to help you understand what you read.
What is visualizing?
Mr. Ross drove 86 miles each day on a road trip across the U.S. If he continues this pattern, how many miles will he travel after 9 ½ days?
What is 817 miles?
These small and sharp parts of a porcupine, protects it from it's predators.
What are quills?
True or false: This is the correct abc order. sudden summer surprise suspend
What is true?
This action occurs almost every November, and every four years during a Presidential Election. It allows any citizen determine the leadership of the country.
What is voting?
This skill describes what happens and why it happened
What is cause and effect?
Rachael drew 2 squares, a trapezoid, 4 diamonds, and 3 rectangles in art class. What is another word for all of these shapes?
What is Quadrilateral?
This is caused when the moon is over the ocean.
What are tides?
The meaning of "misspell".
What is to spell wrong or incorrectly?
The capitol of Illinois
What is Springfield?
When the author does not give you all the information, using pictures and text clues will assist you with finding the answer
What is making inferences?
Sandy built a garden in the shape of an octagon. Each side was 9 feet long. What was the perimeter of her garden?
What is 72 feet?
Cherese practiced singing so that she could one day sing better than Beyonce. When her throat was sore she gargled with salt water. As Cherese poured the salt into the warm water she noticed that the salt disappeared, this is known as
What is dissolving?
The meaning of "explorer".
What is a person who explores?
Humans often use natural resources to create these structures that are designed for shelter and warmth.
What is a house or home?
This feature describes more about the photograph
What is caption?
Jessie made a spinner for a board game. The spinner was divided into 6 equal parts. 2 parts were labeled with a 3, 1 part with a 6, and 3 parts with a 5. Which number is she most likely to spin?
What is 5?
This is known as an imaginary line that goes through Earth from the North pole to the South pole.
What is an axis?
This word means the same as assemble. construct demolish take apart
What is construct?
The 44th President of the United States
Who is Barack Obama?