Who would be considered the "villain" in this story?
Dr. Reeper
Which character, Jess or Layla, has a better imagination?
What type of figurative language is:
The lunch line was endless!
Where does a prefix go in a word? Where does a suffix go in a word?
Prefix - beginning, suffix - end
Identify all the roots in: autobiography
auto, bio, graph
How did George end up meeting Eric and Annie?
He followed his pet pig that escaped and went into their house.
What is the name of the moon of Jupiter that Justin and Alicia go visit and what do they discover on it?
Europa and water
What is the type of figurative language?
Despite my bundled layers, January's teeth bit sharp.
Identify the prefixes and suffixes in this word:
re- and -ed
If therm means heat and meter means measure, what is the meaning of a thermometer?
Something that measures heat
What was the secret key to the universe?
The "Enter" key
or physics
Why did Justin want to go on the mission? Why did Alicia want to go on the mission?
Justin wanted to go and prove to his parents that he could. Alicia didn't want to go but was bribed - Justin said he'd do her chores.
What is the difference between alliteration and allusion?
Alliteration is the repetition of beginning of sounds. Allusion is a reference to a famous person, place, story, etc.
Identify the prefixes and suffixes in this word:
un-, -ing, -ly
The word semicircle contains the root semi. What does the root semi mean?
Why couldn't Cosmos originally get Eric out of the black hole?
He didn't know how because he didn't have the information.
What is the homework assignment that Dr. Goggles gives to Jess and Layla?
Imagine what would happen if all the astronomers got together for a dinner party- what would they talk about, who would get along...
What is the meaning of get one's feet wet?
Mrs. Christensen is a professional singer who got her feet wet by singing in the school choir as a kid.
To start learning something
Which is an example of something you might rediscover?
An old t-shirt you had forgotten about
A brand-new pair of jeans
An old t-shirt you had forgotten about
The word evacuate contains the root vac. What does the root vac mean?
Carry, Pull or Drag, or Empty
What is a theme from "George's Secret Key"?
Goals can be more easily obtained by working together. Space exploration can lead to discoveries that may change life in the future.
What are the names of 3 scientists from "Jess and Layla's Astronomical Assignment" AND their theories?
Thales-Earth flat, Anaximander-Earth beans, Pythagoras-crystals that make music, Aristotle-Earth is center of universe and proved Earth is sphere, Aristarchus, Copernicus, and Galileo-sun is center, not Earth
The character Peter Pan runs away to Neverland, where he stays young and free of worries forever.
What is the meaning of the allusion in the sentence below?
My eighteen-year-old brother, who refuses to get a job, is a modern-day Peter Pan.
Her brother will not grow up and act like an adult.
Give me an example of an improper thing to do during independent tasklist time.
Talk to a friend, take a nap, play a game, etc.
A telescope is a tool that is used to look at something that is far away, in outer space. What does the root tele mean?
Far away