Not "Stressed Out"
One Direction to a passing score
Passman, Passman, Passman, Franklin's up to something
I'm just gonna pass, pass ,pass, pass, pass my Eoc, my eoc (said in a Taylor Swift voice)
This is my fight song,
prove that I'm right song,
Pass MY eoc song
A type of government started in Greece and Rome where the people have the power (one word answer)
What is a democracy?
Name three natural rights.
What are life, liberty and property (or the pursuit of happiness)?
As the King and Parliament taxed the colonists this was their complaint (said quickly in a squeaky French voice).
What is no taxation without representation?
This house of the Congress holds a trial and determines guilt in the impeachment process.
What is the Senate?
This amendment made slavery illegal?
What is 13th?
This type of government has a king or a queen as the ruler.
What is a monarchy?
These Enlightenment guy talked about the social contract or that government gets its power from the people.
Who is John Locke?
The guys argued that the Constitution was giving too much power to a strong central government?
Who are Anti-Federalists?
North Korea is an example of a country run by one person that is often called this
What is a dictatorship (or an autocracy)
This occurs every 10 years and decides how many representatives a state has, as well as how many Electoral votes.
What is a census?
Only a select few people are in charge in this type of government.
What is an oligarchy?
Since this pamphlet united colonists to fight England it had to be written before the Declaration of Independence.
What is Common Sense?
This is the person who sets the main direction of US foreign policy.
Who is the POTUS?
This is the only amendment to discuss citizenship.
What is the 14th?
This amendment guarantees a jury trial in a civil trial?
What is 7th?
In this system of government states have most of the power and there is a weak central government.
What is a confederation?
This document first introduced colonists to the idea of self-government.
What is the Mayflower Compact?
This organization of countries throughout the world first seeks world peace and then tries to help underdeveloped countries.
What is the United Nations?
The powers given to Congress, not states, like declaring war, that are specifically listed in the Constitution.
What are enumerated powers?
The plan that they US has for dealing with the rest of the world is called this and first looks to keep our country safe.
What is our foreign policy plan?
In a court case the person being sued or blamed for a problem is called this
What is the defendant?
One weakness of this document was that it relied on the legislative branch as the only source of national power.
What is the Articles of Confederation?
The idea from Marbury v. Madison that the judicial branch has the power to declare a law unconstitutional is called this
What is judicial review?
The word suffrage has to do with this
What is the right to vote?
This is the constitutional principle that our government derives its power from the consent of the governed.
What is popular sovereignty?