Test Anxiety
Before the Test
During the Test
After the Test + Memory
This hormone is released in times of stress to produce a "fight or flight" response.
What is Adrenaline?
One of the most effective ways to study is to take your notes and make one of these--have your study group take it when you're done!
What is a practice test?
Don't be afraid to do this to your exam (unless you're explicitly told not to).
What is write on it (or all over it)?
This is a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.
What is a mnemonic (device)?
This is one of the six principles of our classroom that begins with the letter E.
What is Empathy, Equality, Encouraging, Euphoric, Ethical, or Expressive?
This is the number of students in this class that ranked as "likely candidate[s]," the highest category, in the Test Anxiety Survey.
What is Zero?
The advice that I've repeated more than any other in this class is to study in this manner.
What is with a group?
Before you start in on that essay, be sure to make one of these, even if it isn't all that detailed.
What is an outline?
Staley suggests you do this "after you've worked hard to prepare and the exam is over."
What is reward yourself?
This was, unfortunately, the most commonly cited "favorite place to eat" in our First Week Survey.
What is Panda Express?
Staley recommends becoming very familiar with this small and clever contraption before test day in a math class.
What is your calculator?
Staley suggests that you don't underestimate this type of test; although it may sound easier, you will still need to know your stuff.
What is an open-note (or open-book or take-home) test?
Staley warns against using this "law" to determine your answers on a multiple-choice test.
What is the Law of Averages?
Researchers believe that working or short-term memory can recall only this number of pieces of information--hence why telephone numbers are pre-chunked.
What is Seven?
Staley defines this as "thinking about your thinking and learning about your learning."
What is Metacognition?
Bring this to class with you on test day: it will give you a very short break and will help keep your body temperature normal.
What is (a bottle of) water?
You should absolutely, definitely, unquestionably never do this, but sometimes it's helpful to think about how you'd do it in order to prepare for a test.
What is Cheat?
This is the first thing you should do when you're handed an exam.
What is determine the time-per-question (or see how many questions there are)?
It is better to think of an exam as this than as the end or the culmination of your learning--it's not the destination, it's part of the journey.
What is an evaluation of your progress?
This is the campus department for which I work.
What is (the Office of) Undergraduate Studies?
A word meaning "to view or talk about an event as much worse than it actually is," this word is something you should never do during an exam--remember to keep your perspective!
What is Catastrophize?
If you are going to cram the night before your exam, make sure you don't just stare at your textbook for five straight hours--do this at set intervals so you don't lose anything you've learned!
What is Review?
If you have to guess on a multiple-choice question, do this first to increase your odds substantially.
What is eliminate answer options?
After you go through your test question by question, this is what you should do with it.
What is take it to your instructor('s office hours)?
The English translation of this ancient Delphic maxim is "Know Thyself."
What is Nosce te ipsum?