Zombie Lore
Video games
Weeb-ish stuff and shows
That guy myles who has a half life and too many hours in rimworld

When a victim is being changed into Zombie

what is Bite/infection/turning


Created in 2010s a game that took the world by storm and sold to microsoft for 2billion USD

What is minecraft


A popular Live action TV show known for its colorful cast of heroes that call upon giant robots to end the episode. this show originates from Japan but than lifted and re-shot in the USA for the scenes that the Heroes were not in their costumes.

What is Power rangers


The first and only member of the brotherhood who has his pilot license.

Who is Joe


What game has 207.6 hours in

Super Animal Royal


When a the hostile creature is not dead but behaves like a zombie.

What is Infected

A game about Humaniod animals on an island fighting the death using military equipment

What is Super Animal Royal (SAR)


A show where a boy is abducted by a fictional being into the world that is an echo of ours. his friends find a strange girl and the sheriff of the small town is questionable at times

What is Stranger things


a avid DM, Nerd, and the only one with a KNOWN girlfriend

Who the heck is that guy Jackson?!


What game has 771.4 hours in

Rimworld (Never won once)


The best way to kill/dispatch a zombie

What is a headshot


A larger Battle royal game set in the future of space travel, featuring a wide range of sci-fi Weapons and equipment.

What is Apex

The story of a orphan ninja who has a powerful Nine tailed fox that may be a demon. the fight scenes span over three episodes and the main character uses "Sexy Jujutsu" as one of his main attacks.

What is Naruto


Nerd, computer, Minecraft, programmer.

Who is Grant


What bone has myles broken

None, unless you count wisdom teeth.


People who cover up their bites and infection marks even though there is no cure and they are in a big group or highly populated area.

what is an Idiot


A colony Management simulator set in the far far future where you take the role of keeping colonist, commonly refeed to as 'Pawns', and furthering them in their survival. you will commit war crimes, break ethical codes and will loose. the slogan of the game is "Loosing is Fun"

What is Rimworld


A show about a two sisters from the slums who are taken in by a barkeep. a drug lord kills the hero of the slums and than pedals the drugs to the aristocratic society.

What is Arcane


A Dungeon Master, a theater nerd, and a book writer.

Who is Garrett


Out of the following, what anime is my favorite.

1. Beastars.

2. Sword art online.

3. Naruto.

4. Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?

Sword art online, i'm not a perv dingus.


A commonly overlooked way to keep a car moving and minimizing damages when in a large hoard

what is a slick car.


A game that takes place in Kentucky around the Muldruagh area in 1993. The games slogan is "This is how you died" and their mascot is a red panda named Spiffo.

What is Project Zomboid


An anime that the main character is trapped in a video game along with 45 thousand players. upon dying in the game the player dies in real life.

What is Sword Art Online



Whos is Myles


What is my realistic dream home

The current one I'm in, base floor, basement. red brick and a nice surrounding of trees.