This host was host for the longest amount of time
who is Alex Terbek?
All responses have to be formed in one of these
What is a question?
Hosted by pat Sajak This game requires a good memory for spelling
What is wheel of fortune?
Jeopardy is filmed in this state
What is California
Ken Jennings Broke this world record
What is the most consecutive days on Jeopardy?
In final Jeopardy your response has to be this long
What is 30 seconds?
On this game a team is made of a group of relatives
What is Family Feud?
There are this many contestants on a game of Jeopardy
What is 3
He invented Jeopardy
who was Merv Griffin?
Your score has to be higher than this to be in final jeopardy
What is 1
On the Price is right The contestants are picked out of this group of people
what is an audience
The theme song in Jeopardy is named think, and is this many seconds long
what is 30?
Art flemming was the very first this on Jeopardy
What is a host?
you have this long to respond to a normal question
What is 5 seconds?
the contestants on this game show the contestants have to team up to defat a former Jeopardy champion
What is the Chase?
Jeopardy is filmed in this city
What is Burbank?
The current host, Mayim Bailik was on this sitcom
what is Call me Kat
your amount of times on Jeopardy is this many times to be garneted a spot in the torment of champions
what is 5?
on this game show people can dress up in funny costumes
what is Let's make a Deal
In a whole game of Jeopardy how many answers are there
what s 61