Hyperspecific TV

Since 1920, the age to vote in the USA has always been 18 years of age, when the 19th amendment had passed.

The answer is that the age to vote was not 18 since 1920, it was in the 60s, and the 19th amendment is the Women's Suffrage Amendment.


Calories, like volts, are a unit of measurement of energy, specifically referring to not just food, but kinetic energy.

Kinetic Energy units are Joules.


The game franchise, Call of Duty, developed by Activision with the Tom Clancy's add on, is often known for being quite violent, as it is a first person shooter game, and features many games based off of military expeditions and escapades.

Tom Clancy is not related to the Call of Duty Franchise.


There are 8 installments of the Real Housewives TV series, with 25 spin-offs. This widely successful show had 18 seasons for Real Housewives of Orange County, and an average of 12 for the others.

Real Housewives has 11 installments as of 2021.


Known for being a popular musical, Hadestown is a spin on the Orpheus and Eurydice myth. Starting off the bat, Hermes is singing a song to introduce the characters, a song by the name of the Road to the Underworld, with Persephone, the Fates, Hades, Orpheus, and Eurydice being the primary figures introduced, as well as Hermes himself.

The Song Road to the Underworld is not called that. It is called Road to Hell.


So far the last four presidents have been democratic party presidents, if you exclude Donald Trump. These four are Bill Clinton , George W Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden.

The democratic president supposed to be George W Bush, is not true. He is a republican.


More often than not, Louis Pasteur is the father of pasteurization, and had also been he father of vaccination, having made the rabies shot and the anthrax vaccine. He also has his very own academy in France.

Louis Pasteur is not the father of vaccination despite making many vaccines and helping widespread the research on vaccines.


In the lovely Nintendo game of Animal Crossing, specifically New Leaf, the player is a villager who suddenly becomes mayor of a town after the former mayor, Mortimer, resigns. The new mayor is to run the town with Isabelle, a Shih zhu dog woman who aides the player with the town. The player must also pay back loans to Tom Nook, the local Raccoon, and after Exploring enough area, unlock a island paradise get away, where mortimer is waiting with a Lei and a pair of sunglasses with a hawaiiner shirt.

The turtles name is tortimer. 


The classic anime Sailor Moon, features many sailor scouts, amongst those being Sailor Mars, who can speak English perfectly at the awe of Sailor Moon. This is seen in an episode where a man from Britain is speaking to the Sailor scouts in English and Sailor Mars responds back.

Sailor Mercury is the one who can speak English perfectly.


In the comedy the Company, by Stephen Sondheim, Bobby interacts with his various coworkers at his 35th birthday celebration. The company is also one of the first theater pieces based off of a book that deals heavily in contemporary dating, marriage, divorce, and teen pregnancy.

Teen pregnancy is not a theme in the Company.


When the declaration of independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, signed by John Adams, James Madison, George Washington, and 21 other framers, the declaration. Was intended to be a olive branch offering to Great Britain, whom ignored it.

George Washington did not sign the declaration.


In the study of precious gemstones, some types of precious gems are technically the same thing, just with different elements in the stone that change the color of it. This is seen with the corundum of Ruby and Sapphire. Beryl of Aquamarine, Emerald, and Morganite. And the Feldspar group of Moonstones, Sunstone, Basalt, and Olivine. 

Basalt is not a gemstone. Olivier, Moonstone, Sunstone, are not precious.


In the game Sims 3, the singer Jennifer Lopez had sung some songs for the game. She even had her own expansion pack.

The singer was Katy Perry.


Special Question! Double Points

In the many decades spanning series Doctor Who, there have been no instances of lost episodes occurring, which is mainly due to the BBC keeping very good records of the episodes.

Bonus Points if you can name the number of episodes. But there are lost episodes.


In the famous Broadway Musical Heathers, JD Threatens to blowup the school famously saying that the school will be like vietnam, after getting help from Heather McNamara in exchange for Heather Chandlers scrunchy.

Heather Duke is the one who helped JD.


In 1945, Winston Churchill, Harry S. Truman, and Joseph Stalin all met up at the Yalta Conference, set in Yalta, Crimea. There they had a very specific and long talk of what to do with Adolf Hitler, Nuclear Weapons, and World Peace.

Harry S. Truman was not at the Yalta Conference, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was. Nuclear Weapons were only talked about a small amount but that was to threaten Stalin.


Microscopes are so fascinating, aren't they? Invented in the 1600s, the Microscopes inventor is quite unclear, as.it is believed to have been created by Sir Francis Bacon and or the Dutch Microbiologist Leewenhoek. These microscopes were so important that they became synonymous with a laboratory.

Janssen was the Other Creator, Francis Bacon was not alive at that time.


Special Question!

In the boardgame monopoly, there are many rules that exist, but only some people follow. These being the 1500M per player, the auction or buy rule, the Doubles gives you an extra roll. The 3 times you get Doubles in a row, you go to jail, Free Parking, and if you Pass Go you Collect 200M, Speed Die after passing the board once, and receiving back errors I. Your favor from cards!

Rolling Doubles does not get you an extra roll if you are in prison! You get out of prison from it.


The Show Hoarders, originally on A and E, featured many seasons of people afflicted with the mental disorder of compulsive Hoarding, but three episodes still stand as horrifying, the first being Gale's House in Season 2, which she, a farmer, would die from the harsh winter in if she stayed inside it without repairs, after her goats ate the house and she inherited a hoard from her parents that she grew; the Second being Judy, a 66 year old unemployed mother who's hoarding had nearly caused her to die after she slipped off her toilet and got wedged between the toilet and the counter, and would have died if not for her panic button she had put in place. And Sandra, a former socialite who's hoarding caused her 9 thousand square foot Tudor Style Manor to be filled with objects and Trash, and is infamous for being the most rude and utterly childish hoarder, as well as to own the largest hoard ever featured on the show, to ever Appear on the Show, famously telling the crew to 'stop attacking her', and that things had only 'fell out of her pockets'.

Sandra is a former interior designer.


In Macbeth, after inviting the king and his entourage to his castle for a feast, Macbeth fulfilled the prophecy that the three witches had given him. Lady Macbeth hatched a plan and helped Macbeth murder the king, and pin the blame on the kings two sons Malcolm and Corbin, who immediately fled south in fear of being assassinated like their father.

The sons names are Malcolm and Donalbain.


Special Question:

George H.W. Bush had ascended the presidential seat after Ronald Reagan in 1989, and famously said that under his government, "read my lips, no more taxes," and subsequently raised taxes higher than ever before. This controversial move is one of many, as George HW Bush had once lied about weapons of mass destruction in order to justify an invasion and occupation of Iraq, as well as failure to effectively deal with the problems concerning drugs, homelessness, racial hostility, educational gaps, and environmental concerns.

George HW. Bush said 'read my lips no new taxes.'


Often considered the mother of radiation, Marie Curie, a French born Scientist, married Pierre Curie, and the pair had both been the science duo that discovered Radium and Polonium. Marie and Pierre both jointly shared a Nobel prize concerning the discovery of radium, and a noble prize in physics, which made Marie Curie into one of the few people to ever get two Nobel prizes in different categories. Her children would later on win other Nobel prizes too, bringing the family total to 5. Marie Curie had died from radiation related causes after working in her laboratory. Their marks on science have contributed to both good and bad, with Nuclear Weapons being realized from her research, as well as x rays, nuclear energy, and other various technology that the world would not be the same without.

Marie Curie was born in Poland.


In the multi billion dollar franchise, Pokemon, there are many games that feature many little creatures as well as regions where you can find them. In the main series games, (Red, Blue, Crystal, Gold, Silver, etc.) You are in one region and must complete the main story which involves beating gyms, or in some cases, trials, in order to be able to beat the Elite Four and possibly the Champion. Watch out for a big evil team, like Team Rocket, or maybe Team Plasma! Try to catch them all!

In Crystal, Silver, Gold, Heartwood, and Soulsilver, you can also go to Kanto, and in some instances a part of sinnoh.


The British television show, Downton Abbey, which has 6 seasons, follows the story of the Crawley Family, whom after learning of the only son passing in the sinking of the Titanic, must find out a way to consolidate the family fortune and title. During the show, we meet the Crawley family members (Mary, Edith, Cora, Violet, Anna, and lord Robert Crawley of grantham.) They are followed by (Matthew and Isobel Crawley,) who are a distantly related Crawleys, Tom Branson, who marries Anna Crawley, John Bates, Mrs. Hughes, Thomas Barrows, and Cora's faithful maid, Sarah O'Brien, and Charles Carson, the butler who has a musical past.

The third Crawley Daughters name is Sybil.


In the famed Opera the Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the Queen of the Night sings her famous Aria, Der Holle Roche, in which the Queen tells her daughters not to fall for stupid men, lest they feel her wrath.

The Song is about the Queen trying to convince her daughter to murder someone.