Drew as a Lad
Newlywed Drew
Drew as a Dad
Drew in Biz
Classic Drew-isms

This quaint Connecticut town was the first one that Drew called home

What is Manchester, CT


Aways planning his next trip, Drew was unable to settle on one spot for his honeymoon. This is the number of honeymoons he planned for he and Carrie. Bonus points if you can name where they were.

What is two: Antigua, Australia/New Zealand


Taking after his dad, Teddy is now obsessed with this risk taking activity and loves love doing it with his dad. 

What is skiing


While no one could ever deny Drew’s strong work ethic, it is not uncommon to find Drew doing this on his computer during the work day.

What is playing Clash Royale


 Drew has been heard making this exclamation as his reason for needing to go first in line at a Yom Kippur Break the Fast

“Excuse me (pushing through the crowd), I haven’t eaten all day!”


This legendary pup was the inspiration for the Weinstein Family West getting Maizie 8 years ago

Who is Fallon Weinstein


Aside from breaking the traditional wine glass at his wedding, what else of Drew’s was also broken on May 21st 2005

What is Drew’s left foot


In one of the first ever photos of baby Charlie in the hospital, what is prominently pictured in the background?

What is a bottle of wine that was definitely Drew’s


Not surprising given Drew’s love for cycling, this was the name of the first entrepreneurial project Drew worked on after leaving law for good.

What is Bike for Life


This line from Julie and Margot’s rehearsal dinner speech at Carrie and Drew’s wedding became so famous that an old STL friend needle pointed it onto a pillow as a gift.

What is "Drew knows everything about everything and Carrie believes him"


As a young camper, this is how Drew would sign his letters to his parents.

What is “Your Friend Drew”


Always one to keep things “moving”, this thoroughfare was the spot where Drew decided to propose to Carrie.

The West Side Highway


This interesting moniker was Drew’s runner up choice for Charlie Weinstein’s name.

What is Huckleberry Weinstein


This person with whom Drew briefly shacked up quickly became BFF with Jeff Hyman.

Who is Drew’s 90 year old, half dead hospital roommate


This adverb, commonly used by old people (or no one really), is uttered by Drew at least once weekly.

What is “indeed”


This baseball legend’s trade from the Boston Red Sox to the New York Yankees is the sole reason Drew changed his allegiance.

Who is Roger Clemens


While taking Linda and Tom Langsdorf out to Jazz Standard to ask for their daughter’s hand in marriage, this was Linda’s response to the question.

What is “I need a stronger drink.”


Arguably Drew’s favorite residents of 11 Makin Grade, or at least his favorite residents to hike and run with.

Who are Mae and Gus(topher)


Widely known in the tech world as “The Guy with the Most Email Addresses Ever”, Drew has currently settled on this email address.

What is drew@fintex.co


Some people speak in Jibberish.  Some people speak in Spanish.  Drew speaks in...

What is hyperbole?