Chapters 1-2
Chapters 3-4
Ms. Smercak's Choice
Chapters 5-6

On his way home from the movies, Ponyboy...

What is: Gets jumped by the Socs?


Elite is defined as..

What is: a group or class of people seen as having the greatest power and influence within a society, especially because of their wealth or privilege.


What is the name of the horse that Soda loved?

Who is: Mickey Mouse?


This 1960s movement was categorized by the separation of water fountains, restaurants, bathrooms, and busses. The white areas were significantly nicer than the African American, but the motto was 'separate but equal.'  

What is: The Civil Rights Movement


When Ponyboy awakens in the church, where does he try to pretend to be?

What is: Home?


What is Ponyboy doing at the beginning of Chapter 1?

What is: Leaving a movie theater?


This word means struck with terror, amazement, or horror

What is: aghast


Cherry tells Ponyboy that he is the type of person who

What is: Watches sunsets?


Symbolism is defined as..

What is: A figure of speech in which a person, situation, word, or object is used to represent another thing. 


What book does Johnny bring to the church for Ponyboy?

What is: Gone With the Wind?


Why is Ponyboy embarrassed by Dally when they sit near the Soc girls?

What is: Dally is talking dirty and loudly?


This word means a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.

What is: Premonition


What kind of car do Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends drive by in?

What is: A Mustang?


Define herd mentality--how is Ponyboy influenced by it?

What is: The tendency for people's behaviors or beliefs to conform to those of the group to which they belong.

Ponyboy: Long greaser hair, leather jacket, rivalry with the Socs 


To whom does Johnny compare the southern gentlemen in the book he and Ponyboy are reading?

Who is: Dally (Dallas) Winston?


What does Two-Bit say Dally got caught doing in the parking lot?

What is: Slashing someone's tires?

Contemptuous is defined as...

What is: the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.


Where do Johnny and Ponyboy get "trapped" at the park?

Where is: At the fountain?


What are the 5 Types of Conflict

What are: Character vs. Character, Character vs. Self, Character vs. Society, Character vs. Technology, Character vs. Nature


Who wrote the poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny?

Who is: Robert Frost?


What story does Ponyboy tell Cherry when they are getting snacks at the drive-in?

What is: He tells her about how Johnny got badly hurt in a fight?


This vocabulary term could be used to define Johnny after killing Bob and going on the run.

What is: Delinquent 


What does Dally give to Ponyboy and Johnny when they go to see him after the fight in the park?

What is: $50, a gun, warm, dry clothes for Pony, and a plan that includes a safe hiding place?


What celebrity does Ponyboy wish he looked like?

Who is: Paul Newman


When he awakes after passing out from the fire in Chapter 6, why does Ponyboy wonder if he and Johnny have been caught by the cops?

What is: He hears the ambulance siren?