When does the 2025 base price for crop insurance get set?
The month of February
Name the only input that you can spend money on this year that will GUARANTEE a specified return?
a Revenue Protection Policy
What was the name of the discount you received for planting stacked trait corn?
Biotech Endorsement
What is the new name given to the Gulf of Mexico by the new administration in 2025?
Name one document typically required for the renewal of any revolving line of credit?
Updated Balance sheet/Tax Return/Operating Plan or Projection
What is the final date that you can make changes to your crop insurance coverage?
March 15th
Name of the risk management tool made available by the USDA/FSA that guarantees dollars paid to your farm if the county has a revenue loss under 86%.
ARC County
What was the old acronym for a county revenue policy?
G.R.I.P. (Group Risk Income Protection)
Jimmy Carter
Name of the insurance option that allows you to collateralize your crop insurance guaranteed revenue?
Assignment of Indemnity
What is the minimum amount of acres you must have to replant to be eligible for a replant claim?
What farm level record gives you guidance on whether or not you are selling your grain at a profit or a loss?
Crop Budget/Input Cost Analysis
What month was the corn harvest price set for the OLD CRC crop insurance plan?
Which country is poised to be the 51st state?
This feature of my crop insurance policy allows for a paperless transfer of indemnity dollars from my Crop Ins. Company directly to my bank account.
Direct Deposit
What is the earliest plant date for corn in your county that allows for your to still be eligible for a replant claim?
April 5th
What grain marketing tool allows you to lock in a flat price before you produce the bushels or have them harvested?
Forward Contract
What was the name of the 2008 Farm Bill program that generated farmer payments?
ACRE - Average Crop Revenue Election
What is the most pork chops Matt has smoked in a given year?
525...equivalent of 30 whole pork loins, or 6 CASES of boneless whole loins!
This banking term is used to describe the amount of time an entity can operate at negative margin before exhausting its liquid assets
Burn Rate
What percentage of tolerance do we have in your crop insurance policy for over-reported production?
What's the one downfall to forward marketing your grain for more than the cost it takes to produce it?
NOTHING! You will NEVER go broke selling your grain for a profit!
What was the first year the Trend-Adjustment was available in crop insurance?
3.8 bpa !!
True or False...You can collateralize a particular asset on more than one liability as long as they are different lending companies?
FALSE...I'm pretty sure