This is the fraction form of 5 ÷ 9
What is 5/9
These are the rows of words actors need to memorize.
What are lines?
This is the word for memoirs and stories that starts with Narr-
What are narratives?
This form of energy really makes you sweat
what is heat?
This is the number of campuses SCIS has.
What is 3
This is Mr Brown's current age.
What is 39
When given the problem 4 sandwiches are being shared with 10 people, this is the thing that is going to be divided up.
What are sandwiches
This is groups of lines that plays are divided into.
What are Scenes?
Narratives need are organized by these 3 parts.
What is beginning middle and ending?
I am usually happy when I have energy but this form of energy always brings me down.
What is gravity?
This is the color of SCIS at Pudong
What is green?
This is Mr Browns favorite type of shoe
What are converse
When you divide 14 by 3 this the name of the 2 things left over.
What is a remainder?
Longer plays are divided into these.
What are acts?
You need this to start a narrative.
What is a hook or lead?
this scientist discovers gravity.
Who is Newton?
This is the # of floors at SCIS Pudong including the basement.
What is 6?
This is the number of homeroom partner teachers Mr Brown has worked with.
What is 4.
When you divide 2 by 4 this is the word for the 2.
What is a dividend?
These are the things You SHOULD NOT read when performing your play.
What are stage directions?
The final stage of the writing process
What is publishing?
Energy can't be destroyed, it can only be this.
What is transformed?
this is the year SCIS was founded.
What is 1996?
DOUBLE POINTS: This is the number of instruments Mr Brown has ever performed in a band with.
What is 3?
When you divided 25 and 5. This is the word that tells us what 5 is.
What is a divisor?
This is the name of a person who tells the actors what to do in plays and movies.
What is a director?
The 3rd often neglected stage of the writing process
What is revising?
This form of energy is not studied in grade 5 this year but it really lights things up.
What is electricity?
Since 2019 this is the number of principals SCIS Lower School has had.
What is 4?
This is the type of school Mr Brown went to when he was in G5 that does not have summer breaks,
What is year round?