UserTesting Services
UserTesting Platform
UserZoom Platform
UXR Knowledge

It’s where you can find live and on-demand training courses, which allow you to dive deeper into ways of collecting insights and building a customer-centric organization.

What is UserTesting University?


They are people, usually from your company, who don't launch their own tests, but they can collaborate with you on the analysis of the tests that you launch.

What are collaborators / viewers?


A curated selection of video clips merged together into a single video.

What is a highlight reel?


This type of user testing involves users completing tasks while being observed.

What is usability testing?


They answer product-related questions, help with tech issues and put you in touch with the right person for your query within UserTesting.

What is Product Support / Customer Service?


The page/tab that allows you to view contributor responses in real-time as they come in.

What is the Sessions page?


It's where you define how many participants you'll need.

What is a segment? OR What is the Participants page?


This tool is used in UX research to create a fictional (yet derived from research) representation of a type of user.

What is a (user) persona?


It’s a space for UserTesting customers to share, discuss, and learn from one another.

What is the UserTesting CommUnity?


These are added to a survey question to determine which question the contributor will see next based on their response to the current question.

What are logic rules?


It’s a study type that allows you to combine multiple different research methods in one study (e.g. a card sort and a usability test). It allows you do both quant and qual.

What is Advanced UX Research?


Research conducted usually with smaller samples and aiming to understand something in depth.

What is qualitative research?


It’s an on-demand course or live class meant to get you started with UserTesting or UserZoom.

What is Jumpstart?


These red and green indications, which indicate negative and positive sentiment, respectively, run alongside the video’s timeline as well as in the video's transcript.

What is Sentiment Analysis?


It's a survey question that includes 2 or more items to evaluate based on a rating scale that is shared by all items.

What is a matrix question?


Information about the context which is meant to set the scene for a usability task.

What is a (task) scenario?


They are 30-minute phone or video sessions during which you can discuss and review your project with a member of our dedicated team of experienced UX researchers. They are available to customers who are subscribed to Premier Support.

What is a Power Session?


It’s a UserTesting feature that allows you to create a private panel within the UserTesting platform. It allows you to invite, onboard, and connect with your customers, partners, employees, and more, who will only receive test invites from you.

What is a Custom Network?


It’s a task or question type that allows you to show an image to a participant for a few seconds (similar to a five-second test) and then ask them questions afterward.

What is a Screenshot Timeout question? OR What is a Timeout Test task?


A research methodology where participants log daily activities as they occur to give contextual insights about real-time user behaviors and needs.

What are diary studies?