Introduction Rites of Mass
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Liturgy of the Eucharist Continued & Concluding Rite
Purpose, Foundation, Principles, and Ideals of TNTT

Put theses in order: (first to last)

The Greeting, The Gloria, The Sign of the Cross, The Penitential Rite, The Opening Prayer

1. Sign of the Cross

2. The Greeting

3. Penitential Rite

4. The Gloria

5. Opening Prayer


Put these in order:

Second Reading, Profession of Faith, General Intercessions, Gospel, First Reading

1. First Reading

2. Second Reading

3. Gospel

4. Profession of Faith

5. General Intercessions

What are the two gifts we offer in church AND what are they supposed to represent?

Bread (Body of Christ) and Wine (Blood of Christ)


We receive Jesus's body and blood when?



How many principles do TNTT have?



What do we pray for in the opening prayer?

Praying for our needs


Gods speaks to us through the prophets

Old Testament / First Reading 


Why does the priest wash his hands?

To wash away sins


Who do we receive God's blessing from in the Concluding Rite?

The priest

Who is the Ideal of TNTT?

Jesus in the Eucharist is the idea source for spiritual life


What is the purpose of the Gloria prayer?

To praise God


God speaks through apostles

Letters / Second Reading


What is the Eucharist Prayer?

Thanking/praising God for this sacrifice


What prayer do we say before communion?

Hint: "you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us" is part of the prayer

Lamb of God Prayer


What is: 

1. To educate, organize, and guide all youths in both social and spiritual life and help them become better people and responsible Christians

2. Spread the word of God and be involved in working for the good of society through apostolic services, in serving others. 

Are these considered the foundation, ideal, purpose, or principles of TNTT?

Purpose of TNTT

What do we do in the Penitential Rite?

Repent for our sins


God speaks through Christ

New Testament / Gospel


The phrase comes from which prayer?

"hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

"chúng con nguyện danh Cha cả sáng, nước Cha trị đến"

 Our Father/ Kinh Lay Cha


What do we ask for when breaking the bread?

mercy and peace


What is the foundation of TNTT? 

The Eucharistic Youth Movement utilizes _____  &  ______  as the basis for educating and guiding the youth in it's activities. 

1. God's Word in the Scriptures

2. Teaching of the Catholic Church


What does the act of putting holy water on oneself supposed to remind you of?

Baptism. Also the responsibilities we have as baptized Catholics


What prayer do we say to profess our faith?

The Creed


What do we do right after the concentration of bread and wine?

Possible Answers: Praise Jesus, Prayer of the Remembrance for the Dead Souls, Proclamation of our Faith

Proclamation of our Faith


Put these in order: Sign of Peace, Lamb of God Prayer, Communion, Our Lord's Prayer, Breaking the Bread

1. Our Lord's Prayer

2. Sign of Peace

3. Breaking the Bread

4. Lamb of God Prayer

5. Communion


Name at least 2 principles of TNTT

  • Live the word of God and unite with Jesus in the Eucharist (Sống Lời Chúa và kết hợp với Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể) 

  • Love and honor/praise Mary (Yêu mến và tôn kính Đức Maria Mẹ Chúa Cứu Thế) 

  • Honor and follow the footsteps of the Vietnamese Martyrs (Tôn kính các Thánh Tử Đạo Việt Nam) 

  • Love and obey the Pope (Yêu mến và vâng phục vị đại diện Chúa Kitô là Đức Giáo Hoàng) 

  • Protect and promote the Vietnamese traditions and cultures (Thăng tiến con người nhân bán)