Language Arts 6th Grade
Grammar 6th Grade

The turning point in a fiction story. 

What is the climax?


This part of an essay tells what the topic will be.

What is the introduction?


To use strong exaggeration

What is hyperbole? 


I love going to baseball games they are so much fun.

What is one way to write the example above correctly without turning it into two separate sentences? 

I love going to baseball games, for they are so much fun. 

I love going to baseball games because they are so much fun. 


This text feature provides information such as location, population, or weather of a particular region. 

What is a map?


Events that lead to the turning point of the story. 

What is rising action? 


When the story is told from the perspective of the character, using words like "I" or "me"

What is first person point of view?


"The bright orange walls screamed at her as she walked into the room." is an example of what type of figurative language? 

What is personification?


Choose the correct word for the sentence below:

to OR too

Jamie and Sandra were excited about the summer vacation ______.

What is too?


This is a short version of the story that includes just the important details.

What is the summary?


What three elements of the plot are introduced at the beginning? 

What is that part of the plot mountain called? 

What is Characters, setting, conflict?

What is Exposition?


What does R.A.C.E. stand for and when should you use it? 

Restate, answer, cite evidence, explain

Use it when completing a short constructed response on the benchmark 


This point of view is told from someone outside the story and includes the thoughts and feelings of ALL characters.

What is 3rd Person Omniscient?


A word that describes a noun

What is an adjective?


This is a single sentence telling what an entire text is mostly about. 

What is main idea?


A character's response to events in a story that can NOT be seen and happen inside the character (thoughts and feelings)

What is internal response?


This point of view is told from someone outside the story and includes the thoughts and feelings of ONE character.

What is third person limited?


This genre can be non-fiction or fiction and is written in stanzas.

What is poetry?


Coordinating conjunctions can be remembered by what acronym? HINT: you put a comma in front of them

What is FANBOYS?


All of your writing should be supported using this.

What is text evidence?


This is the main message the author wants to convey in his/her story. This is the moral is the lesson that the writer wants you to learn from the story.

What is a theme? (Or primary message) 


This is the last part of an essay where the writer wraps it up. 

What is a conclusion? 


A comparison of two unlike things by saying one thing IS another thing (does NOT use like/as). Ex: You are my sunshine. 

What is a metaphor?


Which sentence below uses the comma correctly? 

Sentence A: Although the roads were clear, Schultz Jr. High started later than normal today. 

Sentence B: However it was nice, to sleep in. 

What is Sentence A? 


This text feature provides an illustration of an object and its labeled parts. 

What is a diagram?