What was Thomas Edison most known for?
Inventing the light bulb or being an inventor
What invention is Edison most known for?
The incandescent light bulb
What was Thomas Edison's job?
Inventor, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Businessperson, Physicist, Film director, Film producer, Mathematician, Screenwriter, Telegraphist
What was Thomas Edison's middle name?
Thomas Edison impacted the world with his what?
Edison received 1,093 U.S. what?
Edison lost most of his what at a young age?
With Edison's inventions he revolutionized what?
The field of electricity
What is a Phonograph?
A Phonograph is an instrument for reproducing sounds, like a record player.
How old was Thomas Edison when he died?
84 years old
What was the Industrial Revolution?
The Industrial Revolution transformed economies from hand made goods and agriculture to an economy based on mechanized manufacturing.
What year did Edison file his first patent for?
1869, at the age of 22
How old was Thomas Edison when created his first invention, the an electric vote recorder?
He was 22 years old
He helped transition societies form steam powered operations to what?
Electric powered operations
What is the device that is used to report stock information?
Stock ticker