Thomas Edison invented only the light bulb.
How many patents did Edison hold in his lifetime?
He held 1,093 patents.
Edison believed that mistakes are ______ for learning.
Edison believed that mistakes are valuable for learning.
What does "give up" mean?
It means to stop trying.
Edison’s teacher thought he was a very smart student.
How did Edison make sure he remembered his ideas after waking up?
He scribbled down whatever was on his mind.
Edison would use small ______ to wake himself if he fell asleep.
Edison would use small metal balls to wake himself if he fell asleep.
What does "to set a target" mean?
It means to choose a goal.
Edison believed that failure was a part of success.
What did historians find in Edison’s notes?
They found millions of sketches, cartoons, and even poems.
Scientists say short naps can improve ______ and creativity.
Scientists say short naps can improve concentration and creativity.
What is a "stepping stone"?
It is something that helps you reach a goal.
Scientists say that short naps can help improve creativity.
How did Edison push himself to achieve his goals?
He set a target to invent something new every 10 days and a major invention every six months.
Edison believed that hard work and ______ lead to success.
Edison believed that hard work and persistence lead to success.
What does "take a leaf out of someone’s book" mean?
It means to copy someone's good example or behavior.