According to the Thomas Motorized Wiki, this item could be obtained through a campaign by sending in a gold ball included in selected versions of the "Let's Go Round and Round! Thomas and Merlin Coal Hopper" Set. (Bonus 50 Points - How many were produced in total?)
Silver Shiny Thomas (100 Produced)
This was the year that the "Thomas 5 Car Value Pack" was discontinued.
In America, two diecasts of Henrietta have existed. Which brands produced them?
ERTL and Adventures.
This character was planned to be introduced into the Tomix N gauge range, but was cancelled.
This fast food chain produced a selection of small plastic Thomas characters in 2000, alongside the release of Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
In 2020, Mattel produced a selection of metallic "Celebration" engines for the 75th anniversary. How many were produced?
Four (Thomas, Percy, James and Nia)
This was the year the people figurines started having their decals printed, instead of using stickers.
The last engine character produced under Take Along. (Bonus 100 points - what retail store was it exclusive to?)
Hiro. (Target Exclusive)
What year did Hornby cease distribution of their Thomas line completely?
Annie and Clarabel inexplicably have red wheels in this range.
Hornby Clockwork.
How many variants of Toby have existed in the entire Plarail range?
While the Sodor Mail Coach was initially released with bogie wheels, it was later changed to have just four wheels and was included in a two pack with...
Hard at Work Percy.
These two Railway Series characters inexplicably received toys in the Take n Play range in 2013.
Culdee and Big City Engine.
Name the FOUR characters in Hornby's Thomas range that used an all-new tooling.
Percy, Toby, Bill and Ben.
Thomas, Percy, James and Emily were produced under this Lego-Lookalike company.
LOZ Blocks.
The only 'Motor Road and Rail' set to include Mavis.
Roller Coaster Mountain Set.
This road character was only included in a promotional pack that could be obtained if consumers sent in a certain number of coupons.
Horrid Lorry 3.
What year was Smudger introduced to the ERTL range?
This was the last character in Bachmann's HO range that was purely based off its model series design.
True or False: A toy of Falcon (Sir Handel with his original name) was produced under Nakayoshi.
How many RC engines were produced under Hit Toy Company Trackmaster?
Six. (Thomas, Flip Face Thomas, Percy, James, Molly, and Stanley)
This set was discontinued in the United States in 2002, but was available in Australia up until 2007.
The 'Bridge and Tunnel Set'.
In Japan, the "Thomas Engine Collection" series by Bandai includes this many variants of Sir Topham Hatt's car.
This Diesel character was planned to be apart of Lionel's O Gauge Thomas range, but was later cancelled.
In the PEZ Thomas range, this character was only released as a Japanese dispenser in 2004 as a surprise egg.