When is baby Juniper supposed to be born?
June 8 or 10
What book of the Bible only has one chapter?
Jude, Philemon, 2nd John, or 3rd John
When is baby Elijah supposed to be born?
April 14
How many books of the Bible are there?
What show had the catch phrase "book em Dano"?
Hawaii Five-O
November 11
For an extra 100: What holiday also falls on Nov. 11?
Which book of the Bible has the story of Elijah the prophet?
1 Kings
What season is Chicago Fire currently on?
When is Oaklynn's birthday?
March 28
How many books of the Bible did Paul write?
13 or 14
Tony and Sandra
Nicole Franzel
When is Jude's birthday?
True or False: Jude's birthday is also National Chocolate Custard Day.
May 3
DOUBLE TROUBLE: Name all 12 disciples
Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot
This is the ___th season of Amazing Race.