What inflammatory disease classically presents with the below radiographic features in young African American women?
Pulmonary Sarcoidosis
What disease is characterized below in a patient who presents with bacteremia, chest pain, SOB, and cough:
Septic Pulmonary Emboli
Where is the lead marked by the Bolded arrow projecting over?
Coronary Sinus
What rare respiratory disease (CD4 Count < 200) may present with this CXR?
Pneumocystis Pneumonia
This fibrotic syndrome is the most common interstitial disease with mean survival of 2-4 years. Most common amonst elderly men.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Which lobe is collapsed?
Right Middle Lobe
This CT image is associated with individuals with certain "mining" occupations. What is the lung disease?
What is this line?
VP Shunt
This infection classically presents in an elderly woman with low-grade fever, weight loss, and deliberate attempts to suppress her cough:
Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) infection
This interstitial lung disease pattern presents within the 40-50y age group, with symptoms such as chronic cough and dyspnea:
Non-specific Interstitial Pneumonia (NSIP)
Which specific region/lobe of the lung in concerning for pneumonia in the following AP CXR:
Left Lingular Pneumonia
This radiographic sign can occur in patients who may presents with ARDS, alveolar proteinosis, or bacterial pneumonia:
Crazy Paving
Where does this catheter tip project?
Swan-Ganz catheter tip projecting over IVC
Biopsy of this tissue stain positively with endothelial markers C34 and factor VIII related antigen. What is this disease?
Kaposi Sarcoma
What pneumonia/pneumonitis may present with a gradual onset of dyspnea and cough over a duration of 6 months? Patient has a hx of autoimmune dx.
CT image:
Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP)
What is the diagnosis in this plain film? (Hint: Indication: Blunt Trauma)
This endemic infection commonly spreads endobronchially via tree-and-bud nodules:
Which line is malpositioned?
Esophageal Temperature Probe
What severe life-threatening condition afflicting immunocompromised patients presents with this classic CT finding:
Angioinvasive Aspergillosis
What ILD is associated with heavy tobacco use and present among the age groups of 30-40? (Considered a clinical diagnosis)
Respiratory Bronchiolitis - ILD
What infection is present in this patient with a long history of respiratory wheeze, chronic cough, and the below CXR:
Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
A rare disease distinct among young adult smokers. Electron microscopy may reveal these "unique" granules:
Pulmonary Langerhans Cells Histiocytosis
Where does the tip of this Right Subclavian approach CVC project over?
Right Axillary Artery
This disseminated fungal infection classically presents with this CT image finding:
Thoracic Histoplasmosis
What is the treatment in a patient who present with a short history (i.e. less than ~2 months) of breathlessness, non-productive cough, weight loss, malaise and fever. There is no association with smoking, and they have the following CT: