
These ribs are atypical in that they only articulate with their own vertebra and do not articulate with the costochondrium anteriorly

What are ribs 1, 11 and 12


This nerve root exits between T3 and T4

What is T3


This the the direction the inferior facets on the superior vertebra move on the superior facets on the inferior vertebra with forward flexion in the thoracic spine

What is superiorly/anterior


This is the most common level in the thoracic spine to sustain a compression fracture

What T11-T12


The thoracic ribcage is part of the _____ skeleton, which also includes the vertebral column and skull

what is the axial skeleton


This is plane of the zygapophyseal joint in the thoracic spine

what is coronal (frontal)


This nerve innervates the diaphragm

what is the phrenic nerve


This is the arthokinematic direction the ribs move with thoracic spine extension

What is a posterior role with the anterior aspect of the ribs moving superiorly and the posterior aspect of the ribs moving inferiorly 


A Cobb angle of at least this much is required to render a diagnosis of scoliosis 

what is 10 degrees


T or F : The Thoracic spine is the narrowest region for the spinal cord

What is True


This ligament externally reinforces the capsule of the costovertebral joint

What is the radiate ligament 


This is the most common nerve(s) (53%) affected by the shingles virus

What are the intercostal nerves


This is the movement of the facet joints with right thoracic rotation (T5 on T6)

what is an inferior glide of the right T5 facet and a superior glide of the left facet of T5 on T6


A "golfers fracture", otherwise known as Duffer's Fracture is a fracture of what anatomical area?

What are the ribs

A rib stress fracture can develop in those with a tendency for striking the club into the ground, thereby creating large divots. The forces generated by striking the ground are transmitted up the club, causing the serratus anterior muscle to forcibly contract against its insertion at the ribs causing a stress fracture


How many joints total are in the thoracic spine

what is 48

Each segment of the thoracic spine has four distinct joints with as many as 12 articulating elements.


The origin and insertion of the Latissimus Dorsi

Origin:Vertebral part: Spinous processes of vertebrae T7-T12, Thoracolumbar fascia
Iliac part: Posterior third of crest of ilium
Costal part: Ribs 9-12
Scapular part: Inferior angle of scapula

Insertion: Intertubercular sulcus of the humerus, between pectoralis major and teres major muscles

Mnemonic: Lady between two majors (lady refers to latissimus dorsi)


Humans have this many left–right pairs of spinal nerves

what is 31

-eight cervical nerve pairs (C1-C8), twelve thoracic nerve pairs (T1-T12), five lumbar nerve pairs (L1-L5), 5 sacral (S1-S5), and a single coccygeal nerve pair. 


This is the rib movement with right rotation (rib 5)

what is: the right rib glides inferiorly with a posterior roll and the left rib glides superiorly with an anterior roll


This condition is marked by a painful inflammation in the cartilage where your ribs attach to your breastbone (sternum).

What is Tietze syndrome 


T or F: The intervertebral discs between the thoracic vertebra are thinner than anywhere else in the spine



This artery is found among the lower thoracic or upper lumbar roots near the diaphragm and is the largest of the lower thoracic branches supplying the spinal cord. It is also the main nutrient vessel of the lower thoracic and lumbar spinal cord

What is the Artery of Adamkiewicz


This nerve group innervates the spinal discs, vertebral body and facet joints (applies to all areas of the spine)

what are the Sinuvertebral nerves


This is the arthokinematics of BOTH the facet joints and ribs (costotransverse joints) with right-side flexion (T5 on T6)

What is: The right T5 facet moves inferior and the left facet moves superior
The right 5th rib moves superior relative to the inferior gliding transverse process and the left rib moves inferior relative to the superior glide of the transverse process


Maigne’s syndrome, or thoracolumbar syndrome, most commonly refers pain to what 2 anatomical areas.

what is the ipsilateral gluteal region and groin, often mistaken as hip flexor tendinitis or hip OA


This group of nerves that are most prevalent in the thoracic region can instigate the fight-or-flight response associated with the sympathetic nervous system (heart rate, dilated pupils, or sweaty palms, for example )

What are the sympathetic ganglia, or paravertebral ganglia