Dogs, too
Again Dogs
Snoop Dogg

As puppies, this breed is born white and develop spots as they mature. 

What is Dalmatian. 


This action is the most common training command taught to our loveable pets.

What is 'sit'.

A recent study found that domesticated dogs have this median age range. 

What is 12-13 years.


Starting in 1999, this brand started using a Bull Terrier as their marketing mascot. Currently, they have 6 dogs full-time supporting live marketing events.  

What is Target.


Due to the strong bond between human and dogs, this term is often used to described domesticated dogs. 

What is man's best friend. 


Similar to giraffes and polar bears, this breed can often be seen sporting a black tongue. 

What is the chow-chow. 


Though they all look different, dogs all typically communicate using this universal body part.

What is tail wagging.


Augie, a tennis ball fanatic, earned Guinness World Record honors for holding this number of tennis balls in his mouth at once. 

What is 6.


This breed was used in the cartoon series featuring a talking dog who helped solve mysteries involved supposedly supernatural creatures while traveling in a brightly colored van called the "Mystery Machine."

What is Great Dane in Scooby-Doo.


This wild animal is the closest living relative to the domestic dog.

What is the Gray Wolf. 


For a second year in a row, this dog breed was reported as the No.1 spot in the AKC's most popular dog breeds according to AKC registration statistics. (2023)

What is French Bulldog.


Coprophagy is the name of this unfortunate habit of some of our dog family members.

What is eating feces. 

To position themselves in calm magnetic field conditions, dogs prefer to defecate with their spines aligned in this cardinal direction.

What is North-South.


This Bahamian junkanoo band is well known for letting the dogs out.

Who are the Baha Men.


With 5 total senses, dogs develop this one first.

What is touch. 


Our troublemaker Gordy was DNA tested and it was revealed he is 52% Labrador Retriever. This breed, described as a sweet-faced, lovable dog of great energy, is his second most prominent DNA. 

What is English Springer Spaniel.


Dogs can visually see the world in these color hues.

What are yellows, blues and grays. 


According to research conducted by Zillow and BarkBox, this city in Texas is the most dog-obsessed city in the US. 

What is Dallas.


Kevin, the Guinness World Record holder for world's tallest dog, measured this high from feet to his withers. (within 10cm/4in)

What is 0.97m (3ft 2in) - Awarded March 20, 2024

Kevin was a Great Dane who stood over 7" tall when on his hind paws.


This trait in certain dog breeds evolved to facilitate running and stealth. 

What is short legs. 


Studies have shown that while petting a dog this will decrease in both the human and dog. 

What is blood pressure.


Designed to prevent drool from freezing into icicles in cold weather, this dog breed's smile is both adorable and functional.

What is Samoyed.


63% of dogs can do this common activity without a trainer. 

What is swim. 


Lionel Messi has this very appropriate name for his Bordeaux Mastiff.

What is Hulk.

Our loveable Hank was DNA tested and found to have this percentage of Border Collie in his genetics.

What is 100%.