True or False
Group Plan

Following the group plan includes our whole bodies! 

True! Feet, eyes, hands and brain!


Andrea runs into the classroom and makes silly noises. All the other kids are taking a test. Is she following the group plan?

No, she is following her own plan!


What should we say if we did not follow the group plan?

Stop and say sorry! Then try again!


What does it mean to have a group plan? 

Its means everyone is thinking about and doing the same thing. 


Following the group plan is NOT important.

False because if you do not follow the group plan it will be harder for others to get the job done and they may have whacky thoughts about you. 


A thought happens in what part of your body? 

Your brain!


What can you do if you've hurt someone's feelings?

Apologize, try to do something to make it up, fix the problem. 


Why is following the group plan important? 

Following the group plan gives others good thoughts about you, helps get the job done faster, and shows others that we care about them. 


It is not okay to feel mad.

False - All feelings are okay! It's how you deal with those feelings that's important!


Leyton walked into the classroom, stopped, looked and saw that his class was reading. Is this following the group plan?

Yes! He used his eyes and saw what the group was doing!


Show me two different feelings right now!

Answers will vary.


If everyone works together and follows the group plan, how do people in the group feel? 

Happy, relaxed, proud, etc. 


Other people always have the same thoughts and feelings as you.

False - we all have our own thoughts and feelings. Even if we are thinking about the same thing, we may be having different thoughts and feelings about it. 


If Malikk wants to play Pokemon but Oliver does not, what can they do? 

Talk to each other and decide on a group plan!

If someone asks to play with you and you tell them no, how might they feel? 

Sad, disappointed, frustrated, annoyed. 


If the group plan is to listen to a story, would it be okay to play on your iPad in the corner?

No - that is not following the group plan! 

People don't care about what we do and say when we are together. 

False! Why?


How do we share our thoughts with others?

By using our words! 


What parts of someone else's body can you look at to tell how they are feeling?

Their face - eyes, mouth, eyebrows

Also -arms, legs, feet. 


John, Tyler, and Megan are working together to build a tower of blocks. Tyler gets bored and decides it's time to knock the tower over. Is that following the group plan?

No - they group plan was to build and Tyler did the opposite! Megan and John are probably feeling frustrated with Tyler.