What is the first part of the triangle?
He thought it was his fault because he forgot to give his friend a birthday present
Blaming yourself or others
Assuming something bad is going to happen in the future or thinking someone is angry at you because they didn't speak to you
Jumping to conclusions (mind reading or fortune telling)
Imagining a stop sign or stop light and the thought goes away
Thought stopping
What part of the triangle includes sadness, happiness, anger etc?
Only focusing on the negatives of what has happened
Disqualifying the positive
If we feel this way then it must be true
Emotional reasoning
I am enough
I get better every single day
Today I can be a leader
My mistakes help me learn and grow
I have people that love and respect me
Mantras and Positive self talk
The correct order of the triangle is:
Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors
Thinking of what you would change or do differently about something that happened in the past
Should, Must or Ought Thoughts
Bad mouth yourself or others
Looking at what has actually happened, the facts of the situation
Examining the evidence
What prompts the triangle to begin?
A situation
Calling yourself or others names
Black and white thinking; All A's or I fail
All or nothing thinking
Questioning the thought with a percentage
Believability Pie
When we respond to our thoughts and feelings, what is that called?
"Making a mountain out of a mole hill" Blowing things out of proportion
Someone stole something from you and you act like you don't care.
Not a big deal (minimization)
What would the people who care about me say?
If my friend has this thought what would I tell them?
Is there another way to look at it?
Questions to challenge thoughts