This chamber of Congress is based on state population.
What is the House of Representatives?
The president serves terms of this many years.
What is 4 years?
This branch has the power to declare laws unconstitutional
What is the Judicial Branch?
The president has this power to reject laws passed by Congress.
What is veto power?
Federal judges serve fixed terms. True or False?
What is False?
This chamber of Congress has equal representation from each state.
What is the Senate?
The president’s Cabinet is made up of this many executive departments.
What is 15?
Supreme Court justices serve terms of this length.
What is a lifetime?
Congress can override a presidential veto with this majority in both chambers.
What is a two-thirds majority?
Representation in the House of Representatives is based on this.
What is state population?
Members of the House serve terms of this many years.
What is 2 years?
This Cabinet member is responsible for handling foreign policy
Who is the Secretary of State?
There are this many justices on the Supreme Court.
What is 9?
The president checks the Judicial Branch by doing this.
What is appointing federal judges?
This act regulates hiring for most federal jobs based on merit rather than political affiliation.
What is the Pendleton Civil Service Act?
Members of the Senate serve terms of this many years.
What is 6 years?
The president earns this much annually.
What is $400,000?
This case established Miranda rights for suspects.
What is Miranda v. Arizona?
Congress checks the president by approving these.
What are presidential appointments?
This type of committee resolves differences in House and Senate bills.
What is a conference committee?
This Senate tactic allows a member to prolong debate to block legislation.
What is a filibuster?
This person is first in line for presidential succession after the vice president.
This person is first in line for presidential succession after the vice president.
This person is the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Who is John G. Roberts, Jr.?
Congress has this power to remove federal officials and justices from office.
What is impeachment?
The system of checks and balances serves this purpose in government
What is upholding democracy?