Eastern and Western American Cultures
Middle Ages
African Kingdoms
Extra, Extra/European Trade

Why are the Olmec considered to be the "mother culture"?

The Olmec were the oldest (first) civilization and directly influenced all other civilizations.


Who were the Aleut and Inuit? Describe the location, customs, and/or traditions.

A - Alaska & NW Canada; Fished/hunted. Made kayaks made of wood, seal, or walrus hides.

I- Alaska; Fished/hunted


Who is considered to be the ideal Renaissance man?

Leonardo da Vinci


What two items dominated trans-Saharan trade?

Gold and salt


Which three Early American cultures were matrilineal?

Chickasaw, Choctaw, Iroquois

How did the land in Mesoamerica contribute to the rise of civilizations there?

The land in Mesoamerica was fertile. People living there could grow enough crops to feed larger populations.


Who were the Kwakiutl, Haida, and Pomo? Describe the location, customs, and/or traditions.

K - British Columbia & Oregon; potlatches and totem poles, hunted and fished

H- British Columbia & Oregon; hunted and fished

P- California; hunter-gatherers


What is the Renaissance and from what ancient cultures did the Renaissance receive inspiration?

The Renaissance was a time for curiosity, learning, experimentation, communication, and change. Inspired by Greece and Rome and the idea of humanism.


What led to the decline of the Kingdom of Ghana?

North African kingdoms took control of the trans-Saharan trade (gold and salt). People converted to Islam & weakened Ghana's power.


What new route did Bartolomeu Dias discover?

Portugal -> Cape of Good Hope (South Africa)


Describe the location, customs, and/or traditions of the Maya.

Location - Mexico, Guatemala, Belize

Culture -hieroglyphic writing, created a calendar, played pok-a-tok (Mesoamerican ball game)


Who were the Mound Builders and what were the purposes of the mounds?

Adena & Hopewell; Mounds were used to bury people with their possessions/honor the dead and served as temples.


Why was the printing press such and important invention during Renaissance?

After the printing press was invented, free-thinking people could publish ideas (Martin Luther). People could read for themselves & form their own opinions.


What did the pilgrimage to Mecca allow other cities to notice about Mansa Musa and the kingdom of Mali?

It allowed other cultures to see the wealth of Mansa Musa and put his generosity and religion on display for all to witness. Motivated trade with outsiders.


Why did Europeans want to find new sea routes to Asia in the 15th century?

Turks captured Constantinople & forced traders to pay high taxes and prices for Asian goods. Took control of the peninsula connecting Europe and Asia.


Describe the location, customs, and/or traditions of the Inca.

Location - Ecuador, Chile, Peru

Culture- constructed roads, bridges, cities, and Machu Picchu. Llama is sacred.


What was the significance of bison to the people of the Great Plains?

Bison were considered sacred; were hunted and every part was used for food, clothing, tepees, tools, and crafts.


Who was Martin Luther and why do you think the Roman Catholic Church excommunicated him?

Martin Luther led the Protestant Reformation. He believed biblical scripture was more important than the pope's authority. His beliefs went against official doctrine.


Who was Mansa Musa and what impact did he have on the Kingdom of Mali?

Wealthiest ruler (in the world). Ruled Mali after Sundiata Keita. Took pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 - gave gold & luxuries to the sick and poor. Opened trade with Europe and Asia. Established Timbuktu as a center for learning and culture.

What new route did Vasco da Gama later follow to get to India? What impact did this have on trade?

Portugal -> Cape of Good Hope -> Asia

Reestablished direct trade between Europe and the East


Describe the location, customs, and/or traditions of the Aztec.

Location- Lake Texcoco

Culture- believed in human sacrifice for the sun to   rise the next morning. Military society - war with neighbors. Wealthy.


How did the Eastern Woodland tribes (Algonquin and Iroquois) solve the problem of growing food in the forest?

Practiced slash-and burn agriculture to clear the land for their temporary farms.


What effects did the Church, Crusades, and the plague have on society in medieval Europe?

Church- strongest unifying force. Provided stability

Crusades - war between Christians and Muslims over Jerusalem (200 years). Increased trade between Europe and eastern Mediterranean region, growing business and economy

plague- killed 1/3 of all Europeans, created jobs, and led to the decline of feudalism

What led to the decline of the Kingdom of Songhai?

Morocco captured Timbuktu and Gao


How did Prince Henry the Navigator contribute to exploration and trade?

Established a school in Portugal that taught about sailing. Trained sailors about shipbuilding and navigation to encourage exploration and trade.