Christopher Columbus
Native American Indians
Columbian Exchange
How did the voyages of Columbus change life in Europe?
They were introduced to new foods & spices. Their lives were better for it.
How did the Native Americans Indians view land?
Land cannot be owned by anyone. It is for everyone.
Which region were most of the African slaves come from?
Western Africa
What was the Columbian Exchange?
It was the exchange of people, ideas, goods, & diseases among Europe, Africa, & Americas.
What kind of relationship existed among the Europeans, Native Americans, & Africans in the 1600s?
Europeans wanted to conqueror the "New World". They wanted to control the other two groups.
What was one of Columbus' goal when he set sail in 1492?
To find the fastest route to Asia.
Describe the natural resources that Eastern Woodland groups used to provide food, housing & clothing.
trees to build longhouses & canoes fruits, berries, & nuts from trees & plants rivers & lakes for farming, drinking, fishing, & transportation to trade animal hide for clothing animal bones for weapons, tools
What items were traded between Northern and Western African villages in the 16th century?
salt for gold
What were the impact of the Columbian Exchange?
1. Africans were forced into slavery. 2. Many American Indians died of diseases. 3. Many crops and livestock were introduced in new places.
This instrument was used by sailors to locate their latitude.
What is Astrolabe?
Why were Columbus' goals so important to Europeans?
Europeans can get spices & goods from Asia to sell it for huge profit. Also, they can enjoy different goods and make their lives better.
Who were the leaders in the Iroquois communities?
Ghana, Mali and Songhay were located in which vegetation region of West Africa?
Explain two positive effects of the Colombian Exchange.
Europeans were introduced to new food and goods. Horses and livestocks were introduced to "New World". Horses were used in the military and by N.A. to hunt.
What economic & political changes took place in Europe during the Age of Exploration?
Growth of powerful countries like England, France, & Spain made it possible for Age of Exploration. People in European wanted more goods like spices & silk.
Identify three causes for European sea exploration.
The desire for Trade Goods from Asia Improvements in Technology Better maps Improved Ships Tools like the Astrolabe Political changes The Growth of Countries Problems with land routes to Asia
How did the Desert Southwest adapt to their environment?
• Irrigated land so they could farm in a dry area • Strict rules about water use • Built homes using stones and clay bricks since there were few trees • Planted crops deep in the ground for moisture or in flood areas • Stored food surplus • Made clay pots to store food and water
What was a major factor in the rise and growth of all three empires in West Africa?
Describe two negative effects of Colombian Exchange.
Many N. A. died of diseases like small pox which was brought into the "New World". Enslaved Africans were brought to the "New World" to work as slaves in the plantations and mines.
Why did the Europeans want sea routes to get to Asia/Indies?
because it was the quickest & cheapest.
What were the consequences of Columbus' explorations?
• Some American Indians were forced to travel to Spain with Columbus. • Eventually American Indians were forced to work like slaves on plantations and mines. • The Spanish claimed lands that belonged to American Indians. • After Columbus, more explorers came and claimed land in the Americas • The Spanish began plantations and mines. • Colonies were begun in the Americas.
How did the Pacific Northwest Indians adapt to their environment?
• Hunted and gathered from forests and waters • Used wood from forests to build homes, canoes, totem poles, etc. • Stored food surplus • Built villages near coasts where land was flat • Cut down trees to build homes and canoes • Fished and hunted
What are two factors that led to the growth and rise of West African Empires?
• Location between salt mines and the gold mines • Control of the trade routes • Leaders who used taxation to raise money that could be used to expand the army. • Powerful kings with powerful armies
Who were involved in the Three Worlds Meet unit?
• Europeans such as explorers, colonists, and merchants. • European rulers who paid for the explorations. • Africans who were forced into slavery and Africans who lost family members who were enslaved. • American Indians who lived in the Americas. • American Indians who were forced to work on plantations and in mines.
What was the relationship between the Europeans and Native Americans in the 1600s? What was the cause of the conflict between them?
Europeans traded with Native Americans. The two cultures believed in different things and had different ways of living.