General Info
Don't forget...

Names of the coaches

What are Sarah, Mairi and Olivia?


The definition of self-care

What is, using strategies to take care of yourself and promote healthy life in all areas. (ex: physical, emotional, social, mental)


Three examples of core values

Answers may vary:

What is, honesty, compassion, fairness, determination, growth, happiness, kindness, knowledge, respect, loyalty, trustworthiness, etc


The importance of having a routine

What is, Routines keep us accountable, and help us prioritize the important things we need to do each day


A reason we do moments of appreciation

To look at the positive in our lives

To show appreciation to those around us

To remind ourselves there are things to be grateful for even when its tough


The definition of overcoming obstacles 

What is, when work through a challenge to conquer a problem. 


An example of something can do for self care

Answers may vary:

What is, going for a walk, deep breathing, stretching, exercise, sleep, eating good food, drinking water, dancing, etc


The definition of being resilient

What is, being able to bounce back, and work through difficult situations in life, and keep moving forward.


A reason that we do relaxation

The goal of practicing relaxation skills is to be able to calm our minds and bodies in the moments of strong emotions.


The definition of core values

What is, traits or qualities that shape an individual's ideas, actions, beliefs and priorities.


An example of a relaxation we have done together

Answers may vary:

What is, 5-4-3-2-1, square breathing, breathing exercises, draw to the music, progressive muscle relaxation.


The wall of fame

What is, a way to honour the amazing things that happen in group and the hard work put in by everyone. 


The meaning of confidentiality

Confidentiality means what is said in Thrive is kept private. 

"What is said here, stays here."

"If it's not your story, don't share it"


The definition of routines

What are predictable activities that happen at the same time in the same order.


An example of an obstacle might have to overcome

Answers may vary:

For example, what is, breaking your leg. 


The 3 steps to overcome an obstacle

What is,

1. Understand the problem

2. Think about solutions

3. Keep trying until something works