The phone number of the National Suicide Hotline
The location of Lafene CAPS
What is the basement of Lafene?
Where the Spectrum Center is located
What is Holton Hall?
The CARE office offers services for survivors of...
What is sexual violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual harassment?
The K-State resource organization that Thrive Navigators is out of
What is the Morrison Family Center for Student Well-Being?
The name of the Student Support app available to all students
What is TELUS?
The meaning of the acronym, Lafene "CAPS"
What is Counseling And Psychological Services?
The building where cultural groups and organizations can meet and find support
The CARE office provides free, ______, and voluntary services for survivors
What is confidential?
The two local hospitalization centers for those in mental health crisis
What is The Crisis Stabilization Center and Ascension Via Christi?
Name two support options that Lafene CAPS provides to clients
Self-help resources, workshops, group therapy, individual therapy, clinical consultations, crisis hotline, etc.
The name of the suicide hotline specific for LGBTQ+ individuals in crisis
What is the Trevor Project Lifeline?
The name of the bystander intervention training to prevent and intervene in possible cases of sexual assault
What is "Wildcats Make A Pact"?
The name of the reporting resource through the Office of Student Support & Accountability
What is the "Student of Concern Form"?