Nap Time
Educator Roles

How many times should classrooms go outside during the day?

A minimum of two times, weather permitting.


What is one example of a 'Sense of Self & Community" activity?

Example: Autumn Fest


How can you ask a child to get down or stop climbing positively?

Lets put our feet on the floor, I'm worried you're going to get hurt.


What is the nap time routine?

While the children are eating, beds are placed out and the lights are dimmed. Nap time music is turned on. 

After finishing their food, children are washed up, diapers checked, and head to their beds.

Once everyone is finished eating, lights are turned off and educators begin rubbing backs.


What should you do if you are an extra staff member?

1. Check in with a director to see if you are needed anywhere.

2. Complete programming, observations, or check medications.

3. Extra cleaning.


How long should a circle time run for?

Approx. 15 minutes.


How do other educators know an activity has already been completed?

The activity is highlighted.


When taking a child from the classroom, what should you do?

"I have Bob" 

"You have Bob"


When children are waking up, what happens?

Children are encouraged to stay on their beds until majority of children are awake. This can be done through books or quiet time activities that can be done on their beds. 


When is it appropriate to leave the classroom?

When coverage is provided or you are in ratio to do so.


When outside what should educators do?

1. Engage with the children

2. Clean sand/ dirt up. 

3. Assess items for damages and clear any garbage from the yard. 


What does the interest and concept section mean on a programming sheet?

Interest: a topic that the children have shown previous curiosity or interest in (example: space, fall)

Concept: a skill or lesson you are needing to teach (pushing, pulling, gentle hands, bucket filling)


Who should you contact if you are sick?

Kelsey & Paige in a group chat. 


What should you do while children are sleeping?

1. Clean up lunch.

2. Spray and wipe all large toys, magnets, wooden toys, and items that cannot go in the sanitizer.

3. Ensure observations are up to date.

4. Cubbies, counter spaces, cupboards, and surfaces are cleaned and organized.

5. Lillio updates are completed. 


When going to the bathroom, what is one thing you can do on the way?

Bring dishes to the kitchen or laundry to the laundry room.


How often should diapers be changed or should children be reminded to use the potty?



How many programming activities should be done in a day?

3-4 activities. 


What does collaboration mean to you?

Based on personal experience.


When should beds be set out and prepared?

While the children are eating, beds should not be placed out prior to lunch because this prohibits the children from playing.


What are cellphones used for in a classroom setting?

Lillio and the group chat. 


What is needed to go outside?

1. Emergency backpack

2. Attendance

3. 1-2 programming activities or planned experiences


What should educators prepare weekly?

Hint: Activities should be formed based off this item.

Book of the week.


What are conversations that constitute as appropriate for the classroom between two staff?

Positive information regarding the children, classroom, or activities. 

While catching up with each other can be fun, side conversations are discouraged. If educators are found to be excessively chatting, they may be sent home for the day.

Conversations regarding the children's behavior or conflicts between staff should be discussed privately. 


What is the nap time ratio?

Children count as .5 as long as they are on their beds.


What should educators be doing during the day?

1. Engaging with the children.

2. Cleaning.

3. Observations & Programming.