
You got a skip group coupon, and want to skip Morgan's Weather group. At the start of Morgan's group you go up and hand her the coupon. What is wrong with this scenerio?

If you have a skipping group coupon, you must hand it in at morning meeting and identify which group you want to skip on that day.

Otherwise, you will have to wait for the next day to use the coupon.


What kinds of things go in your sharps box?


-Anything sharp


-Anything deemed necessary by staff


What is available for lunch daily?


Salad (if available)

Or any food from your personal food bin


How often should I be meeting with my IMR and  Supported Employment staff?

At least once per week


I have the daily chore this week of wiping down tables/surfaces after meals. How many times a day should I be wiping down the tables, and which tables?

You should be wiping down the tables at least 3 times a day.

Tables to wipe down would be the dining room table and countertops in the kitchen.


What do we check for when doing daily room checks?

-Clothes are in hamper/put away

-Trash is taken out

-Bed is made with sheets on it

-Desk is clear and organized

-Floor is clear of items


When waiting for staff to take me shopping, I decide I am going to sign out now and go to the bathroom really fast before we leave to get into the van. 

What is wrong about this scenario?

You should only be signing out when you are walking out the door to leave. If you sign out and there is an emergency, staff will not know you are in the building.


How many packets of oatmeal can you have for breakfast? 




You are able to have 2 packets of oatmeal for breakfast


What types of goals does everyone has in their treatment plan?

1. Psychiatry 

2a. Independent Living Skills

2b. Case Management

3. Interpersonal Skills

4a. Vocational (Job)

5. Medical

6. Safety (Unsupervised Time)

7. Transition Planning


Who's responsibility is it to clean out the strains in the kitchen sinks?

The person who put food in it, and the person who has dishes for the week

On your night of cooking for the house, what are you in charge of doing?

-Cooking dinner (staff are only to assist, you should be doing the majority of the cooking)

-Announce dinner is ready

-Put leftovers in containers and label them

-Put dishes in dishwasher and start it


How many belongings am I able to have here at THS Ashland?

Participant’s belongings should not exceed fitting in dresser drawers, hanging in the closet and a reasonable amount of belongings on counter surfaces i.e. desk, dresser top, night stand. 

Nothing should be piled high, as it is required to have nothing within 18 inches of the sprinkler head

And floors should be cleared at all times


What time are we able to drink caffeine till? And what kinds are not allowed?

Until 6pm

No more than 4 cups a day- any more than this is an unhealthy amount and can interact with medications

Energy drinks are not allowed due to their high caffeine content. 


What are the guidelines for smoking in the middle of the night (11pm-5am)?

Only one smoke break during this time, and you need to sign out and back in afterwards


You have the bathrooms as your daily chore this week,

When should the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor bathroom be cleaned?

1st floor daily (and check all bathrooms to restock paper)

2nd and 3rd floor bathrooms on Monday/Wednesday/Friday


There's just been a huge snowstorm. Staff are outside shoveling and they ask you to help. 

Is this your responsibility to help?

Yes. All participants are responsible for helping out around the house, including shoveling if able. This is your house, please help us take care of it!

If the fire alarm goes off, which exit would we use from this room and where would we meet?

Show correct exit route

We all meet at the end of the driveway closest to the road, and in the case of a real fire we would walk up to the common man parking lot.


What is served daily for lunch?

Your choice of:

-Sandwich (turkey, ham, cheese, peanut butter and jelly)

-Salad (if we have it available)

-Food from your personal bin

Are we able to use social media at THS Ashland? Can my priveldges to use it be taken away? Where can I use it?

-An individualized plan can be arranged for people interested in using social media. This is something that can be discussed with your treatment team. 

-It will be determined by your treatment team if social media is appropriate for you and your treatment

-Social media is a priveldge, not a right. Your treatment team is able to take this away at anytime if it becomes inappropriate.

-Social media can only be used on the THS Ashland participant computer, not on personal devices.


For any daily chores, what is the process for completing them?

-Complete chore

-Mark off chore list

-Ask staff to check and sign-off

-Erase marks on chore list


You are watching a movie in the living room that starts to get inappropriate, why is it important that you find something else to watch?

Inappropriate content in movies/shows/video games can be triggering, if not for yourself it could be for someone else.

Since we are a treatment facility, content consumed on any device (TV/video game console/phone/computer) should not be R or M rated. If individuals are talked to about this multiple times, it can lead to the loss of using these devices.


Staff tell everyone to go to their rooms, so you go to your room. But after a couple minutes you get really hungry and decide to go downstairs to get some chips.

What is wrong with this scenario? 

Staff tell participants to go to their rooms for a reason, and it puts yourself and others at risk by not following this. 

We want to keep everyone safe, so when asked to go to your rooms, please stay there until staff tell you it's okay to come out.

On your weekly shopping trip, you stopped at McDonalds and got a burger and fries. When you get back to the program you ask if you can have the dinner that's being served. Is this allowed?

No, you have the choice of either eating the dinner that is being served at the program, OR purchasing your own dinner if it's your shopping day.


There may be times that you become curious about another person's treatment being different from yours. Why is everyone's treatment at THS different? Are other people's treatment your responsibility?

Everyone's treatment is different because we used individualized plans for each person based on each individual's needs. This allow for more growth and individual care, meeting people where they're at.

You should never be discussing another peer's treatment. It is great to build friendships with peers, but you should only be focusing on and discussing your own treatment and growth at the program and not others.


What times should the dishwasher be run daily?

Right after lunch

Right after dinner