Favorite sport to play
"What's up Doc"
Bugs Bunny
The military officer who became a traitor during the American Revolution
Benedict Arnold
Friend of Bugs Bunny playing famous children's game
Daffy Duck Duck Goose
The first member to leave the hit boy band known as One Direction.
Zayn Malik
Favorite Shounen anime
One Piece
"Suit Up"
Barney Stinson
Anime about pirates expression
One piece of cake/pie
Arthur Curry is the name of this famous superhero
Aqua Man
Username on Animal Jam
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears"
Marc Antony/Shakespeare
Arthur and his knights are known for this piece of furniture
The Round Table
Famous Tennessee food the sky is falling
Nashville hot chicken little
Andrew Ilnyckyj and Steven Lim host this popular internet show.
Buzzfeed's Worth It
Amount of times in detention
"I'm not bad I was just drawn that way"
Jessica Rabbit
Edward Teach is the real name of this famous pirate
Black Beard
Taylor Swift song and superhero movie starring Vin Diesel
Bad Bloodshot
Actor that played a singing gorilla and British spy
Taron Egerton
City of Birth
Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City
"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"
Robert Oppenheimer
Korea's famous warships named after a reptile
Turtle Ships
Computer software movie and book
Adobe Flash Player One
Mickey Mouse's original name
Mortimer Mouse