Electrical or H1
The Simulator
Will's Lunch
It happened on Thursday

This device, commonly found in subdivisions, provides power to homes with underground cables.

What is a "Pad-Mounted Transformer"


These consoles are available at every desk in the simulator - name all 3.

What are NMS, DMS and ORMS?


Will loves a good coffee, but don't get his order incorrect! How does Will take is coffee?

Whats is "Black" - Mark also loves a good coffee and is happy with a double-double


This was approved by the US Congress on July 4, 1776

What is the Declaration of Independence for the United States of America.


In the simulator you must be a fan of this professional hockey team? No exceptions! (Ask Will)

Who are the Toronto Maple Leafs?


This type of breaker is used in large electrical stations - its a little gasy!

What is an SF6


This big change happened to the layout of the simulator in the last year.

What is the removal of the Simulator Office Door.


Will loves to get a delicious chicken schnitzel sandwich from this location close to the OGCC

What is "The Corner Market"


In this classic sci-fi novel, the Vogon's blew up our blue marble to make way for an intergalactic highway.  The notice was "displayed in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard'.”

What is "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"


What is Canada's official national Sport

What is Lacrosse ?


This is the most import station in Hydro One, according  to Darryl and Will

What is Orillia TS


This course is the most well received by its participants, but its mostly used for CT's.

What is Day-in-the-Life


Will's favorite place for a burrito when working at the OGCC, even after the food poisoning event of 2019.

What is "Jeys" Burrito


The name of game that was played during a Webex meeting, June 18 2020.  Its in the title.

What is "Thursday"


The radio program Will must listen to every day over lunch time?  It does involve his favorite things - the Leafs and Lunch.

What is "Leafs Lunch"


Actually, this the most important TS in Hydro One's system

What is "Beaverton TS


Known as the expert in the simulator, this tech uses his previous experience as a controller to maximize training opportunities to the fullest (hint there is a lunch category named after him)

Who is Will (Google = William Mansfield, 1st Baron Sandhurst)


This forms the basis of Will's standard lunch

What is a boring peanut butter sandwich


This epic game was released in Japan on May 22, 1980 (yes it was a Thursday)

What is Pac-Man?


In this sport you might be asked to "Draw"

What is Curling?

She was the last female CEO of Hydro One
Who is Laura Formosa

The number of Displays in the Simulator Room.

What is 38? 

6 displays per desk x 5 Desks = 30

4 Trainer displays + 4 Room Displays = 8

(not including Sim office)


Will's favorite day of the week is Friday and he uses this nickname for his favorite lunch spot.

What is "Pho Friday"


On Thursday May 6, 1937 this transatlantic flight ended in a rather dramatic fireball.

What is The Hindenburg Disaster?


This country captured the 2018 FIFA world cup by defeating Croatia 4-2

Who is France?