What type of gland is the thyroid?
The Isthmus is located ________ to the trachea.
What is the average Thyroid size?
What descends from the External Carotid Artery?
The Superior Thyroid Artery.
What is the most common benign neoplasm of the Thyroid?
Follicular Adenoma.
What is the principle responsibility of the thyroid gland?
Maintenance of the Basal Metabolic Rate.
What muscles are located anterior to the thyroid gland?
The STRAP muscles (the Sternohyoid muscle, Sternothyroid muscle, & the Omohyoid muscle).
What is the normal sonographic appearance of the Thyroid Gland?
Homogeneous with low to medium level echoes.
What do the Superior and Middle Thyroid Veins Drain Into?
The Internal Jugular Vein.
What is the most deadly of the Thyroid cancers?
Hurthle Cell Carcinoma.
What does the thyroid gland produce?
Thyroxine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3), and Calcitonin.
Which muscle is located directly posterior to the thyroid and is commonly mistaken for the parathyroid glands?
The Longus Colli muscle.
What is the average Parathyroid size?
What ascends from the Subclavian Artery?
The Inferior Thyroid Artery.
What is the most common Thyroid Cancer?
Papillary Carcinoma.
What lab test is used to evaluate the parathyroid gland?
Alkaline Phosphatase.
The Internal Jugular Vein is located __________ in relation to the Common Carotid Artery.
(30 Seconds)
What is the most common occurring normal variant of the Thyroid?
What does the Inferior Thyroid Vein drain into?
The Brachiocephalic Vein.
A patient presenting with exopthalmos and elevated serum levels of T3 & T4 most likely has which autoimmune disorder?
Grave's Disease.
Explain the steps taken to produce the thyroid hormones.
Hypothalamus -> Thyroid Releasing Hormone -> Anterior Pituitary Gland -> Thyroid Stimulating Hormone -> Thyroid Produces T3 & T4.
What is the most posterior muscle to the thyroid?
The Scalenus Muscle.
What makes up the MINOR NVB?
The Recurrent Larngeal nerve, and the Inferior Thyroid Vessels.
Name the three branches of the Aortic Arch.
The Brachiocephalic Artery, The Left Common Carotid Artery, & The Left Subclavian Artery.
(30 Seconds)
A pre-school aged child comes into the ER presenting with an upper-respiratory tract infection. What is most likely to be found during a sonographic evaluation of the Thyroid?