What year was TI founded?
Most social person in TI
Noë Wolf (the social chair)
Name three primary colors.
Yellow, Red, Blue
The Glorious Tiger Inn
How many initial members founded TI?
Most likely to ask if you would like to "smash" some beers?
George Hurley
Potatoes were first cultivated in this South American country 7,000 years ago... by the Incas.
What is Peru?
What University building was struck by a cannonball in the Battle of Princeton?
Nassau Hall
What are the founding members of TI colloquially called?
"Charter Members"
Most likely to be caught riding a scooter while wearing Gucci on campus?
Reade Ben
This everyday condiment found in almost every restaurant throughout the U.S. was first sold as a medicine.
What Ivy League school has won the most Ivy League Titles?
"As long as love and liquor last..."
"We’ll drink to Tiger Inn!"
Who gets roasted the most in the TI groupme?
Jacob Rob
This human body part stays the same size from birth, however, our nose and ears never stop growing.
How many people come to reunions every year?
How many medals did Tiger Inn members win in the 1896 Olympics?
6 total (3 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze)
Who has the worst memes in TI?
Kion Bruno
This city is the oldest capital in the Americas! The people living there were Mayans!
Mexico City
In what year was the University founded