In Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, people with ____ intelligence are good with words.
The methods of learning individuals often prefer in a particular time and place; ways that a learners generally find effective to absorb and process information.
learning styles
A particular racial, national, or cultural group including that group’s customs, beliefs, values, and often language and religion.
Use self-paced learning; students can move on when they are ready.
supporting gifted and talented students
In Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, people with ____ intelligence are good with communication.
Students attend a mix of regular classes and ESL pull-out classes.
English Language Programs
When schools place students with special needs in one of more regular classes based on their expected ability to keep up with the standard curriculum.
For each option, provide guidelines for learning and identify how that learning will be evaluated.
differentiated instruction
In Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, people with ____ intelligence are good with observing, classifying, and visualizing.
Students who excel academically.
Students who were born outside of the United States and have been enrolled in school for less than 3 years.
Giving step-by-step directions
helping English Language Learners
In Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, people with ____ intelligence are good with rhythm and sound patterns.
Processing problems that involve the central nervous system
learning disorders
Describes students who have difficulty communicating in English because it is not the native or primary language.
Limited English proficiency (LEP) and/or English Language Learner (ELL)
Allow students to work in pairs or groups
helping English Language Learners
Howard Gardner published his theory of?
multiple intelligences
A written plan, developed by a team, for providing a student with this most appropriate opportunity for learning in the last restrictive environment.
Individualized Education program (IEP)
A situation in which students with special needs are placed in regular classes with the requirements that they will benefit from the classes, even if they are not able to keep up academically with class requirements.
Provide in-class enrichment; learning opportunities during regular classes.
supporting gifted and talented students